Cray Supercomputer FAQ and other documents

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Welcome to the website archive of the Cray supercomputer FAQ documents.

This site has been replaced in 2021 by website that includes all this site and so much more information.

Here you will find information about Cray supercomputers, both those designed and built by Seymour Cray as well as machines built by the company he founded, Cray Reseach Inc.

Please note Email address changed July 2002.

Fred Gannett

Contributions and corrections welcome, please send to the email address below.

Cray Research and Cray computers FAQ Part 1 : Cray Supercomputer families

Cray Research and Cray computers FAQ Part 2 : Tales from the Crypto and other bar stories

Cray Research and Cray computers FAQ Part 3 : Short notes

Cray Research and Cray computers FAQ Part 4 : Buying a previously owned machine

Cray Research and Cray computers FAQ Part 5 Machine specifications

Now with pictures !

Cray Channels Magazine Cray Channels Archive

Other site documents

Email address For this site

The email address for all *NON-COMMERCIAL* *NON_BULK* Email related to the subjects on this site is :

Please be aware that I get loads of spam to this public address. Please put XMP at the start of the subject line to distinguish it from the junk.

Crayfaq at spikynorman dot net

Support a public access Cray Ymp-EL at

Other Cray Computer Related links

These kind of lists of links are hard to keep up to date but here are a few to try. Searching at Google etc. will dig up others as well as lots of information on Robert Cray the musician !

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