Theodore Sturgeon
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My favorite author from the golden age of Science fiction and wonder stories. Listed here are the stories and the volumes in which they appear along with a few sundry notes. -- Fred Gannett. |
The collected worksCurrently there is an emerging series of volumes collecting the stories of Theodore Sturgeon. Published by North Atlantic Books, there are 6 volumes published, one a year, so far of a projected 10. These are: Reference Document for the series including covers and story index. AcknowledgementsSalutations to Paul S. Williams the meticulous compiler and editor of the series. |
BiographyTo read about the life and works of Theodore Sturgeon I recommend : To read firstFor horror and spooky stories try the "Caviar" collection, Fantasy fans check out "A touch of strange", others might like to try "E pluribus unicorn". TV/Movie tie-insTheodore Sturgon's best known tie-ins are as the author of the two Star Trek epsiodes "Amock Time" and "Shore leave". Other tie-ins where the novelisation of "Voyage to the bottom of the sea", a Seventies serial about an atomic submarine, and the movie Killdozer which was based on the story of the same name. Other less well known tie-ins are the hard to find books of the western films "The King and Four Queens" and "The Rare Breed". In an early example of the power of media hype the book "I libertine" (Written under the psydonym of Fredrick R. Ewing), is a bawdy historical romp, was written on demand after it was discussed and reviewed on the radio. About this listThe list below is story name in the first column and volume name in the second followed by either the copyright date C or Anthology date. This is by no means a comprehensive listing of where each story has appeared in print as TS has been very widely republished but should help you locate some missing items. Those stories marked as wanted in the list below are required to complete my collection. A $$$ reward is offered to the first to supply. Details and corrections to Email: gannett at For a more detailed listing with cover page scans see Eric Weeks Sturgeon pages. |
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Abreaction Beyond 1948 C Abreaction Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Accidentally on porpoise Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Affair with a green monkey A touch of strange 1958 A Agnes, accent and access Galaxy : October 1973 C Alexander Graham bell + Me If sf : March 1962 C wanted Alter Ego Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Amock time Star trek teleplay/ST3 And beside those bombs If sf : May 1962 C wanted And my fear is great And my fear is great 1965 A And my fear is great The golden helix 1953 C And now the news The best of F&SF No. 6 1953 C And now the news The golden helix 1953 C And now the news A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Anonymous, The Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Argyle Argyle 1993 C Artnan process Not without sorcery 1939 C Artnan process Starshine Artnan process Without sorcery Artnan process Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Assault and Little Sister Mike Shayne's Mystery Mag 07/61 1961 C wanted Atomic Monument, The Astounding 04/46 1946 C wanted August sixth,1945 Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Baby is three And my fear is great and baby is Baby is three More than human 1952 C Bem called windigo,The If sf : June 1961 C wanted Beware the fury/Extrapolation Fantastic stories : April 1954 C Beware the fury/Extrapolation Fantastic sf stories : September 1967 A Beware the fury/Extrapolation Sturgeon in Orbit 1978 C Biancas's hands E pluribus unicorn 1947 C Biancas's hands Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Biblography The best of F&SF No. 25 1962 A Biblography Theodore Sturgeon 1981 C Biddiver Astounding sf : June 1941 C Biddiver Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Blabermouth Caviar 1946 C Blabermouth Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Blue Letter F&SF 10/74 1974 C Blue Letter Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C The Blond with the Mysterious BoMen April 1962 1962 C wanted Bones,The Beyond 1943 C Bones,The Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Brat Not without sorcery 1948 A Brat Without sorcery Brat Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Bright segment Caviar 1955 A Brownshoes/The man who learned Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Bulkhead/Who A way home 1955 C Bulldozer is a noun Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Butyl and the breather Not without sorcery 1948 A Butyl and the breather Without sorcery Butyl and the breather Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Cactus dance Aliens 4 1959 A Cactus dance Sturgeon's west 1973 A Cajun providence Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Call, The Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Cargo Not without sorcery 1947 A Cargo Without sorcery Cargo Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Case and the dreamer Case and the dreamer 1962 C Cave of history The ancient mysteries reader Cellmate E pluribus unicorn 1947 C Cellmate Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Chromium helmet,The Astounding sf : June 1946 C Chromium helmet,The Analog : Dec 48 1946 C Chromium helmet,The Science fiction inventions 1967 A Chromium Helmet,The Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Claustrophile,The Galaxy : August 1956 C Claustrophile,The The stars are the styx Clinic,The The golden helix 1953 C Clock, The Calling all boys 1948 C wanted Contact! Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Comedians children,The Aliens 4 Comedians children,The The joyous invasions 1958 C Completely automatic Astounding sf :February 1941 C Completely automatic Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Cosmic rape, The The cosmic rape 1958 C Country of afterward, The Unpublished 1979 C wanted Crate Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Crime for llewellyn,A A touch of strange 1958 A Crossfire Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Dark room,The The golden helix 1953 C Dark goddess,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Dazed Galaxy : September 1971 C Dazed The stars are the styx Deadly ratio/It wasn't syzygy E pluribus unicorn 1948 C Dead Dames Don't Dial The Saint's Mystery Mag 08/56 1956 C wanted Deadly Innocent,The Mike Shayne Mystery MagUS V1N3Nov1956 wanted Deadly Innocent,The Mike Shayne Mystery MagUK V1N4Aug1957 wanted Derm fool Starshine 1966 A Derm fool Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Die maestro,die/Fluke E pluribus unicorn 1949 C Die maestro,die The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Dreaming jewels,The/Synthetic maThe dreaming jewels 1955 C East is East Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Education of Drusilla Strange,ThGalaxy : March 1954 C Education of Drusilla Strange,ThThe stars are the styx Essay in coherence If sf : January 1963 C wanted Ether breather First flights 1948 A Ether breather Not without sorcery Ether breather Without sorcery Ether breather Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Eyes of blue Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Excalibur and the atom Fantastic adventures : August 1951 C Excalibur and the atom Science fantasy yearbook 1970 A Extraordinary Seaman Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Extrapolation/Beware the fury Sturgeon in orbit 1953 C Ex-Batchelor Extract Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Fabulous idiot,The More than human 1953 C Farewell to eden Invasion from mars/O.Welles Farewell to eden The time of infinity/A.Derlith ed Farewell to eden The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Fantasy and sf by Sturgeon Fantasy and sf : September 1962 C wanted Fear is Business A decade of f&sf wanted Fear is Business Fantasy and sf : August 1956 C wanted Fit for a king Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Fluffy E pluribus unicorn 1947 C Fluffy Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Fluke/Die maestro,die E pluribus unicorn 1949 C Forward Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A From plynck to plynck The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1962 C Future Writers in a future worldThe craft of science fiction 1976 C Ghost of a chance/Green eyed monCaviar 1943 C Ghost of a chance/Green eyed monKilldozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Girl had guts,The A touch of strange 1958 A Girl who knew what they meant,ThSturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Glop,gossh and gilgamesh If sf : November 1963 C wanted Glop,gossh and gilgamesh Science fiction thinking m/c 1955 A wanted God in a garden,A The other worlds/P.W.Strong ed God in a garden,A Unknown : October 1939 C God in a garden,A Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Godbody Godbody 1996 C Golden egg,The Unknown : August 1941 C Golden egg,The Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Golden day Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Golden helix,The The golden helix 1954 C Golden helix,The Three times infinity Golden helix,The A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Granny won't knit Galaxy : May 1954 C Granny won't knit The stars are the styx Graveyard reader,The The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1958 C Graveyard reader,The To here and the easel Green eyed monster,The/Ghost of Unknown : June 1943 C Hag saleen,The Visions and ventures 1942 C Hag saleen Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Half-Way Tree Murder The Saint's Mystery Mag 03/56 1956 C wanted Harry's Note Chrysalis 1977 A wanted Haunt, The Starshine 1966 A Haunt, The Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C He shuttles Unknown : April 1940 C wanted He shuttles Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Heart,The Sturgeon in orbit 1955 C Heart,The Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Her choice Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Heavy Insurance Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Helix the cat The John W Campbell memorial ant 1938 Helix the cat Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C His good angel Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Hold-Up a la Carte EQMM US February 1964, UK June 1964 C wanted How to have a Hiroshima If sf : March 1964 C wanted How to Forget Baseball Sports Illustrated 12/12/64 1964 C wanted How to kill auntie Starshine 1966 A Hurkel is a happy beast,The A way home 1949 C Hurkel is a happy beast,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Hurricane trio A way home 1955 C Hurricane trio Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C I'Libertine I'Libertine/as Fredick R.Ewing 1956 A I Love Maple Walnut Harper's May 1974 1974 C wanted I say ernest The golden helix 1973 C If all men were brothers, Would Case and the dreamer 1967 C Igenious Aylmer Harper's December 1973 C wanted Incubi of parallel x,The Sturgeon in orbit 1951 C Introduction Caution inflammable /T.Scortia Introduction New voices 2 Introduction Four for tommrow /R.Zelazny 1967 It Not without sorcery 1948 A It Without sorcery It Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C It opens the sky A touch of strange 1958 A It was nothing-really Antigrav 1969 C It was nothing-really Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A It wasn't syzygy/Deadly ratio E pluribus unicorn 1948 C It wasn't syzygy/Deadly ratio Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C It's you! Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Jorry's gap Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Jumper, The Unknown : August 1941 C Jumper, The Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Just westing If sf : September 1962 C wanted Killdozer! Aliens 4 1959 A Killdozer! Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C KIlldozer! A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A King and four queens,The The King and four queens 1956 A Largo Beyond 1947 C Largo Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Last laugh/Special aptitude Other worlds : March 1951 C Like yesterday Rolling Stone @0th May 1976 1976 C wanted Like young Beyond 1960 C Long arm,The Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Look About You Unknown 01/40 1940 C wanted Love of heaven,The Astounding sf : November 1948 C Love of heaven,The SF adventures in mutation 1965 A Love of heaven,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Mailed through a Porthole Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Make room for me/Synthesis Sturgeon in orbit 1951 C Make room for me/Synthesis Fantastic Adventures 04/52 1951 C Mahout Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Man on the steps Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Man who learned loving/BrownshoeFantasy and sf : October 1969 C Man who figured everything,The Sturgeon's west 1973 A Man who lost the sea,The The golden helix 1956 C Man who lost the sea,The Towards infinity Man who told lies as Billy Watson F&SF Sept 1959 1959 A wanted Martian and the moron,The Visions and ventures 1949 C Martian and the moron,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Maturity The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1947 C Maturity Without sorcery Maturity Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Medusa Caviar 1942 C Medusa Killdozer! v2:tcsots 1941 C Memorial The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1946 C Memorial Without sorcery Memorial Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Memory Thrilling wonder stories : August1948 C Memory Adventures in tommorow 1951 C Memory Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Messenger Thrilling wonder stories : Februa1949 C Messenger Great sf stories : No 3 1966 A Messenger The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Mewhu's jet A way home 1946 C Mewhu's jet Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Microcosmic god Caviar 1941 C Microcosmic god Without sorcery Microcosmic God Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Minority report Astounding sf : June 1949 C Minority report The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Monolyth and micracles If sf : September 1961 C wanted Morality More than human 1933 C More than Human More than Human 1953 C Mr Costello,hero A touch of strange 1958 A Mr Costello,hero A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Music,The E pluribus unicorn 1948 C Music,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 A Nail and the oracle,The Visions and ventures 1965 C Need Beyond 1960 A Need The best of all posible worlds Necessary and sufficient The best from galaxy Vol 1 1972 A wanted Never underestimate The best of sci-fi 17*infinity 1952 C Nightmare Island Beyond 1941 C Nightmare Island Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Night Ride Keyhole Mystery Magazine June 1960 C wanted Nioby Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Non political new frontiers If sf : March 1963 C wanted Noon gun Playboy : September 1963 A Noon gun Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Noose of light, A Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Not an affair Fantasy and sf : October 1983 A Occam's scalpel If sf : August 1971 C Occam's scalpel The stars are the styx One foot and the grave Three to the higest power 1949 C One foot and the grave Visions and ventures One foot and the grave The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C One sick kid Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Other Celia,The A touch of strange 1958 A Other Celia,The Galaxy No 50 Other Celia,The A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Other cheek Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Other man,The The stars are the styx Other man,The The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1956 C Patterns of Dorne,The Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Penny wise and fashion foolish If sf : November 1961 C wanted Perfect host,The The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1948 C Perfect host,The To here and the easel Perfect Host,The The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Permit me my gester Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Personal monuments If sf : January 1964 C wanted Place of honor Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C The Player on the Other Side The Player on the Other Side 1963 C Pod and the barrier,The A touch of strange 1958 A Pod and the barrier,The Starshine Poker face Not without sorcery 1939 A Poker face Without sorcery Poker face Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Poor Yoric Killdozer! v3:tcsots 1941 C Popoff,The If sf : November 1962 C wanted Preface Not without sorcery 1939 A Prodigy Analogue : Sept 49 1949 C Prodigy Caviar 1949 C Prodigy The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Purple Light, The Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Punctuational advice Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Professor's teddy bear,The E pluribus unicorn 1948 C Professor's teddy bear,The Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Pruzy' Pot National Lampoon 06/72 1972 C Pruzy' Pot Pruzy' Pot book and tape 1986 C Quietly The perfect host v5:tcsots 1941 C Rare breed,The The rare breed 1966 A Riddle of the Ragnoran,The Fantastic universe sf : June 1955 C wanted Riddle of the Ragnoran,The Giants Ed Issac Asimov 1985 A wanted Ride in, Ride out Sturgeon's west 1973 A Right line, The Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Rule of three Galaxy : March 1954 C Rule of three The stars are the styx Runesmith Fantasy and sf : May 1970 C Runesmith Parteners in wonder/+ H.Ellison 1971 A Saucer of loneliness,A E pluribus unicorn 1953 C Scars E pluribus unicorn 1949 C Scars Sturgeon's west 1973 A Scars The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Science on a shoestring or less If sf : September 1963 C wanted Science fiction,morals and religScience fiction today and tommoro1974 C Sex opposite,The E pluribus unicorn 1952 C Sex opposite,The A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Shadow,shadow on the wall Caviar 1950 C Shadow,shadow on the wall Imagination stories of sf : Febru1951 A Sheriff of Chayote,The Sturgeon's west 1973 A Shore leave Star trek teleplay/ST12 wanted Shottle bop The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1941 C Shottle bop To here and the easel Shottle bop Without sorcery Shottle bop Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Silken swift,The E pluribus unicorn 1953 C Singsong of Cecily Snow,The Heavy Metal October 1977 C wanted Skills of Xanadu,The The golden helix 1956 C Skills of Xanadu,The The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon Skills of Xanadu,The To here and the easel Sky was full of ships,The The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon 1947 C Sky was full of ships,The Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Slow sculpture Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Slow sculpture The worlds best science fiction 1971 A Slow sculpture A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Smoke Calling all boys 1948 C wanted So near the darkness Fantastic universe sf : November 1955 C So near the darkness The Vampire Omnibus 1955 C Some of your blood Some of your blood 1961 C Some people forget Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Special aptitude/Last laugh A way home 1951 C Stars are the styx,The Galaxy : October 1950 C Stars are the styx,The The stars are the styx Strangers on a train Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Strike three Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Suicide Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Synthic man, the/Dreaming jewelsThe The dreaming jewels 1955 C Synthesis/Make room for me Fantastic Adventures 04/52 1951 C Synthesis/Make room for me Sturgeon in Orbit 1951 C Take care of Joey Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Talent Visions and ventures 1953 C Tandy's story Galaxy : April 1961 C Tandy's story The stars are the styx Thanksgiving again Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C That low Famous fantastic mystries : Octob1948 C That low Science fiction showcase 1959 A That low Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Three people Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C There is no defence The worlds of Theodore Sturgeon There is no defence Three in one 1948 C There is no defence To here and the easel There is no defence Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Thunder and roses A way home 1947 C Thunder and roses Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Till death do us join Shock 07/48 1948 C Till death do us join The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Tiny and monster A way home 1947 C Tiny and monster Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Time warp Omni 10/78 1978 C Time warp The Best of Omni SF No. 2 1978 C To here and the easel Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A To here and the easel To here and the easel 1954 C To marry medusa The joyous invasions 1958 C To shorten sail Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Touch of strange,A A touch of strange 1958 A Touch of your hand,The A touch of strange 1953 C Touch of your hand,The Visions and ventures Travelling crag,The Visions and ventures 1951 C Trick, The Unpublished 1983 C wanted Turkish delight Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Twink Caviar 1955 C Two percent inspiration Not without sorcery 1939 A Two percent inspiration Without sorcery Two percent insperation Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Two Sidecars Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C Ultimate egoist,The The golden helix 1941 C Ultimate egoist,The Without sorcery Ultimate egoist,The Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C Uncle Fremmis Sturgeon is alive and well 1971 A Uncle Sam's time machine If sf : July 1962 C wanted Unite and conqure A way home 1948 C Unite and conqure The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C Vengeance is Dark forces 1980 A Venus plus x Venus plus x 1960 C Verity file Galaxy : May 1971 A wanted Voyage to the bottom of the sea Voyage to the bottom of the sea 1961 C Wages of synergy,The Sturgeon in orbit 1953 C Waiting thing inside,The Sturgeon's west 1973 A Way home,A A way home 1953 C Way home,A Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Way of thinking,A E pluribus unicorn 1953 C Well spiced Sturgeon's west 1973 A Well spiced Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C Wham Bop ! Varsity 1948 C Wham Bop ! Thunder and Roses v4:tcsots 1997 C What dead men tell Imagination unlimited 1964 A What dead men tell The perfect host v5:tcsots 1999 C What do you mean fantasy? Worlds of fantasy : Winter 1970 C wanted Watch my smoke Ultimate Egoist v1:tcsots 1994 C When you care,when you love Case and the dreamer 1972 C When you care,when you love The best of F&SF No. 25 When you're smiling Galaxy : January 1955 C When you're smiling The stars are the styx When you're smiling A touch of Sturgeon 1978 A Who ?/Bulkhead Galaxy : March 1955 C Why dolphins don't bite Omni :Feb,Mar,April 1980 A Widget the wadget and boff,The Aliens 4 Widget the wadget and boff,The The joyous invasions 1955 C Wishbooks,The Fantasy and sf : December 1955 C wanted Won't you walk Analogue : June 56 1955 C Won't you walk Visions and ventures 1955 C World well lost,The E pluribus unicorn World well lost,The Starshine Yesterday was Monday The golden helix 1941 C Yesterday was Monday Microcosmic God v2:tcsots 1941 C