These pages used to be maintained by the Surrey (UK) chapter of the Sylva and Leader cars register. These pages last updated sometime in the last century.
The family of Sylva kit cars embodies the ethos of fun open top two seater motoring. The cars developed for the enginerring, technical and budget aware end of the market, are frequently raced but primarly road based. The common thread of the cars are their origin under the design pen of Jeremy Phillips. Jeremy Phillips runs the Sylva factory and design house in Louth, Linconshire (UK) The cars are distributed through a network of factories and agents.
The Sylva and Leader cars Register was created in 1986 as a point of contact for fellow owners of Sylva Cars and related kits A small technical and photo library is maintatined. The Register, now run by Mac Allardyce, has grown to over 350 members with cars in Britain, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden and America. Club stands are arranged at shows and once a year and track day is booked so that owners can 'experiment' in relative safety. An extensive Macintosh hypercard database of cars and drivers was maintained. 15 Issues of the Sylva Bulletin where published with technical articals, Readers build and race reports. Local chapter meetings complete the activities of the Surrey local group.
Sylva owners like the idea of the Lotus Elise, can't afford one and so would prefer to roll their own
Recommended reading material about the family Sylva. You have to look hard to find any cars for sale and you don't often see them on display. For sale ads will be put up on this site for free.
Send your comments and inquiries about the Sylva Register MacAllardyce or past chairman Jeremy Green
Other Sylva Places to go
Site last updated April 1999 and hosted by