Example 419 Email Fraud 0012

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From ???@??? Sat Jan 26 09:40:02 2002
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From: "DR, BAWA SANI" 
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 00:18:09
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Attention : Dear Friend,

We have an immediate business proposal that involves US$ 25, 123,000
(Twenty-Five Million, One Hundred and Twenty-Three Thousand United States
Dollar),which we will like to invest under your custody for Investment
Purpose in your country, with you as our Expertriate Partner.

Please, do not hesitate to contact me, so as to discuss with you the
details of the transaction and the terms and condition of sharing
regarding the business.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated and will swiftly bring
us to the commencement of the transaction. We hope to conclude this
transaction within 10-12 working days.

Do not forget to contact me on the receipt of this mail on the above
e-mail address. And please you have to maintain absolute confidentiality
as regards this pending transaction.

I urgently await your response.

Best Regards,