Example 419 Email Fraud 0030

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From ???@??? Thu Mar 07 10:01:06 2002
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Dr. Sisulu Nomvete.
Pretoria, South Africa.
Email: sisulunomvete@techemail.com


It is my great pleasure to write you this letter on behalf of my colleagues. Your information were given to me by a member of the South African Export Promotion Council (SAEPC) who was with the Black Economic Empowerment Commission (Government) delegation on a trip to the United States during a bilateral conference talk to encourage foreign investors. I have decided to seek a confidential co-operation with you in execution of a deal hereunder for the benefit of all parties, and hope you will keep it confidential because of the nature of this business.

Within the Department of Mining Resources where I work as the Director of Project Implementation, with co-operation of four other top officials, we have in our possession, an overdue payment in US funds.

The said funds represent certain percentage of the contract value executed on behalf of my Ministry by a foreign contracting firm, which we the officials over-invoiced to the amount of US$29,600,000.00 (Twenty Nine Million Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars). Though the actual contract cost has been paid to the original contractor, leaving the excess balance unclaimed.

The Government of the Republic of South Africa believe that private investment in general, and foreign direct investment in particular, are the real engines for sustainable economic development, for which reason it has continued to encouraged investment in the key growth -oriented sector of Mining with sincere determined to pay foreign contractors all debts owed to them, so as to continue to enjoy close relationship, and a mutually beneficial co-operation with foreign governments and non-governmental financial agencies. As a result we included ours bills for approvals with the co-operation of some officials at the Department of Finance and the Reserve Bank of South Africa (RBSA). We are seeking your assistance as the beneficiary of the unclaimed funds, since we are not allowed to operate a foreign account. Details and changing of beneficiary information and other forms of documentation upon application for claim to reflect the payment and approvals will be secured on behalf of your company or your good self.

I have the authority of my colleagues involved to propose that, should you be willing to assist us in this transaction your share as compensation will be 25% while my colleagues and I shall receive 70%, and the balance of 5% shall be use to reimburse or expenditures, taxes and miscellaneous expenses so incurred.

It does not matter whether or not your company does contract projects of the nature described here. The assumption is that your company won the major contract and subcontracted it to other companies. More often than not, big trading companies and firms of unrelated fields wins major contracts and subcontract same to more specialized firms for execution.

This business itself is 100% safe, provided you treat it with utmost confidentiality. Also your specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this mutual beneficiary transaction. I have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint us.

Kindly notify me by email for further details, upon your acceptance of this proposal.


Dr. Sisilu Nomvete.