Example 419 Email Fraud 0031

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From ???@??? Thu Mar 07 10:00:47 2002
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Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 17:21:54 -0800 (PST)
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                                                BUSINESS/ INVESTMENT PROPOSAL

My name is FRANK O. OSAGIE, a member of the Presidential Task Force on Oil Spillage Clean-up. Early last year there was a major oil spillage in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria which rendered over 70% of the communities homeless.The contract was handled by a foreign firm but because of the huge monetary profit we envisaged we decided to over-invoice the contract sum. Now the contract has been completed and the original contractor has since been paid,but the contract balance of US$38 million,which resulted from the over invoiced contract sum that has been left in a suspense account with the CENTRAL BANK of NIGERIA,is what me and my partners are planning to take out of the country for ourselves.The problem is as government officials,we are not suppose to own fat bank accounts,talk less of having foreign ones.