Example 419 Email Fraud 0032
From ???@??? Thu Mar 07 10:01:04 2002
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Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 01:13:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Alfred Oni
Subject: Matter of Interest
To: onifred5@yahoo.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Compliments of the Season.
I am writing to seek your assistance and collaboration
to enable me use my position in Government to secure
the approval for the payment of this over invoiced
contract claim to your bank account. This particular
contract was awarded to a Foreign Contractor and was
over estimated to the tune of US$36,561,000.00
(Thirty Six Million, Five Hundred and Sixty one
Thousand US Dollars Only). The foreign Contractor has
received full payment for the actual
contract value, leaving behind the sum of
US$36,561,000.00 which represents the over estimated
contract value Currently lying at the Central Bank of
Nigeria. The
over estimated value of $36,561,000.00 was meant to be
a Kick Back to the Government officials that awarded
the contract. These Government officials have been
removed from office and they had no chance of
collecting the money before leaving office. As a
result of updated payment advise at the Central Bank,
it has been awaiting transfer to a Foreign Account.
Having done all the necessary groundwork, this money
is now in our possession and I am looking for a
trustworthy person into whose private or company's
account this money would be transferred.
Upon the transfer of this money, 70% of the sum will
be for me, 25% shall be for you the account owner,
while the remaining 5% shall be set aside to refund
expenses made in the course of this transaction. Be
assured that this business is safe but the keyword is
the confidentiality, due to the nature of the
transaction and my position in the ministry.
Kindly treat as urgent.
Yours faithfully,
Alfred Oni.
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