Example 419 Email Fraud 0073

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From ???@??? Sat Jun 08 11:33:37 2002
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From: "Christopher Oleleh" 
Reply-To: c_oleleh@lycos.com
To: Email_addr2@Domain.net
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 11:45:09 -0700
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I have been asked to contact you after due consulttion from my superiors in the
organisation i represent. the Petroleum and Pipeline Marketing Company
(PPMC) a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. I
know this mail will come to you as a surprise. though. we have not met
before now. your contact was however surffed out from the' chamber of
commerce via the Net.

I am the Executive Secretary of the PPMC ie. Petroleum and Pipeline Marketing
Company here in lagos.I have been directed as a matter of trust to establish
an investment partnership with you considering your technical expertise which
would enhance highly profitable business incentives.

We have a total of US$14.300.000:00 to transfer into your company or
personal Account for this venture. the source of the funds? it was gotten
from Over-Invoice Contract Bills of the payment verification office of the
organisation (ppmc ). your benefits shall be made known to you. if you
tender a letter indicating your interest. However. all that is required of
you vis-avis:

Your name and House address.
Telephone and Fax numbers

Company name and address. Telephone and Fax numbers.

With this informatiom .we would prepare a letter of claim in your name as a
foreign contractor. Please do respond to my request by a return E-mail or
Call my cell phone number:234 -803-3243-223 for more comprehensive details
thank you .

Yours faithfully.