Example 419 Email Fraud 0127

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From ???@??? Fri Oct 04 08:31:23 2002
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To: xynet3@eircom.net
Subject: Aminu Dange
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Dear Sir,

I am the son of Lt.Col. M. Dange ( rtd) the former Military Administrator of Anambra State of Nigeria. My father is presently being detained by
Security Agents of the New Civilian Government .This is an extension of their continued hatred for past senior military officers.

During my second visit to him in prisons yesterday, he told me of the sum of US$10 Million Dollars he lodged in a coded account. This money was part of gratification given to him by local and foreign contractors who got
contracts from the state while he was the administrator. He has directed that I seek immediately in confidence a foreign account into which the fund could be transferred before the Government will have knowledge of it.

We are compelled to make this request because the Government has already frozen his two foreign accounts.

It has been resolved with my father that :

A. 20% will be your share for nominating an account for this purpose and any other assistance you will give in this regard.

B. 10% has been slated for the reimbursement of all local and international expenses, which may be incurred in the transfer process .

C. 10% has been conceded to the local Bank Manager here assisting in facilitating the transfer and,

D. Finally, 60% will come to my family.

To facilitate this
transaction, if accepted, do send to me promptly by e-mail, the following:

1. Your full Names

2. Your Physical Contact Address

3. Telephone Numbers and

4. Fax Numbers through which you will be contacted promptly whenever your attention/assistance may be required.

Please note that I have been assured by the Bank Manager that two weeks is enough to process and transfer this sum. May I at this point, emphasis the high level of confidentiality, which this transaction demands and hope you, will not betray the trust
and confidence, which I repose in you. However, you may need to give me sufficient assurance that you will not sit on this fund when it is finally remitted into your bank account.

Best Regards.

Aminu Dange
Send Reply to: akalueo@hotmail.com