Example 419 Email Fraud 0154

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From ???@??? Fri Nov 01 10:07:57 2002
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This letter was borne out of my sincere desire to establish business/mutual relationship with you.
My name is Mr. Emmanuel Kunte, the son of Chief Bature Kunte (the formal deputy minister of finance under the ousted civilian government) who was killed and mutilated by the military junta led by Major, Paul Koroma after over-throwing the elected government of President Tijan Kabba. Though,I do not know to what extent you are familiar with events and disturbances
In Sierra Leone but the pressure of war drove me and my mother out of Sierra-Leone into exile in Nigeria where we have been living under political asylum for 3years.Sadly, my mother died of cancer 3 months ago and was buried in Nigeria. Prior to her death, she handed me over a certificate meant for a secret deposit which my father made in a security company in abroad, the
Deposit that worth US$25,000,000.00 (twenty-five million united states dollars only) was money paid to his corporation by its overseas company in the heat of the conflict. He made this savings on his name with the hope of converting it to his personal use, at the end of the war; but was killed when the conflict intensified as a result of his opposition to the rebel forces. I have contacted the security company to confirm the deposit and establish owner hip. Due to the death of my mother and the return of peace in Sierra-Leone,I have decided to solicit for the participation of an honest and trust worthy person or company that will assist in the transfer and business
re-investment of the money. I can not do it alone due to my present social status and total ignorance of the business world. You will be given a negotiable percentage at the end of the transaction.If you are interested in the above proposal, contact me immediately through
this e-mail address for more details. You must maintain absolute confidentiality to ensure success. Please, indicate your your interest so that I can give you the contact of the company and also give you the certificate of depositor. send your personal Tel/Fax nos. when replying.

Best Regards.

MR. Emmanuel Kunte

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