Example 419 Email Fraud 0204

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From ???@??? Fri Feb 21 12:35:01 2003
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Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:20:21 -0800
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From: "abacha mohamed" 
To: moha2abacha@egyptsun.com

Dear Sir, 
I am Mohammed Abacha, the eldest son of the late president of Nigeria,
i was
falsely acussed of murder and as such was imprisoned, but thanks to
Allah, i
have been released for my innosence. Well dear friend i need your
assistance in
transfering some of my money into your account, because the government
making plans to seize them, as they did to my fathers own.Please view
site and read it's content carefully,
The ammount is $29 million in a Security Abroad. All that is needed is
for me to instruct the company to transfer the funds to your account, i
renumerate you with 20% at the end, but most of all is that i solicit
trust in this transaction. I have been confined only to Kano and all my
are monitored,So i will get my private attorney to get you the needed

Best Regards
Mohammed Abacha

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