Example 419 Email Fraud 0284

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From ???@??? Fri May 30 20:53:14 2003
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FROM: Abdul Tafiq.
Amman Jordan

My Name is Abdul Tafiq, an Iraqis National from the Kurds an Accountant in Oil
refinery in Durra. I am presently in Amman, Jordan Capital since U.S. strike
Iraqi, few days to the expiration of the 48 hours Ultimatum before the strike.I
moved $10.5M doll
ars call-deposit to Security Company in Iran for safe-keeping.

In my capacity as the accountant to the oil refinery in Durra, I was the only
person aware of this financial transaction call- deposit with the security
company in Iran to be released to whom I will introduce to the security company
as the beneficiary of
the call- deposit of $10.5M, whom the oil installation company is been owed
since I can not be able to go to Iran because of the war.

Now that the situation is not condusive for me to go to Iran, I am presenting
you as the beneficiary of the call- deposit to the security company for the
release of the d