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From ???@??? Fri Oct 17 12:52:05 2003
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To: Email_addr3@Domain.net
Reply-To: jangdoo100@hknetmail.com
Subject: THANKS
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2003 20:21:13 +0200
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Dear Friend,

My name is JANG DOO-HWAN, The brother of Mr. CHUN
DOO-HWAN, the former President of South Korea who
seized power in a military coup in 1979 and who ruled
from 1979 to 1987. My brother was pushed out of office
and charged with treason, corruption and embezzlement
of over 21 billion won. He was wrongly sentenced to
death but fortunately AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL stepped in
and commuted the sentence to life. We thank God that
he has finally been released though still under house
arrest in the sense of the conditions of his freedom.

During my brother's regime as president of South
Korea, we realized some reasonable amount of money
from various deals that we successfully executed. I