Example 419 Email Fraud 0474

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From ???@??? Sat Jan 01 08:38:16 2000
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From: "Silas Lunguda" 
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Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 08:38:16
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Silas Lunguda
Nigeria National Orientation Agency
Federal Ministry of Information
Radio House-Abuja.

Dear Sir,

I am Director of Civic registration and finance Nigeria National Orientation Agency (NNOA)
Federal Ministry of Information. I must start this email by acknowledging the wisdom in
choosing to reveal my 2 years AMBITION since the National Identity Card project was
kicked off some 2 years ago by a bill passed into law by the national assembly for the
registration and identification of every Nigerian above the age of 18 years.

During our final verification exercise we discovered an excess allocation to our agency to
the tune of Fourteen Million, Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollar and we intend
to keep this money for our personal use by fronting you as one of the foreign contractors
due for payment. This sum (US$14.3Million) will be paid into your account as your
contractual entitlement.

The good news is that precisely 1st of April, 2004, 2 years after, the government has started
distributing the national identity card. The reason am writing you this mail is that the
president, federal republic of Nigeria Chief Olusegun Obasanjo have approved allocation for
payment due to all contractor (Foreign and Local) to the agency and this gives us
opportunity to enrich ourselves and fulfill my ambition of becoming rich for the first time but I
cannot achieve this without the support of a foreign partner. We are handicapped in the
circumstances, as the Civil service code of conduct does not allow us to operate offshore
accounts hence your importance in the whole transaction. Therefore, we want to utilize this
opportunity, as a lot of foreign contractors will be paid in this quarter of the year 2004 to
transfer the fund out of the country.

Please do not disregard this mail and for avoidance of doubt you can verify the National
Identity card project with the Nigerian High Commission in your country or you visit our
website as posted by Nigerian business information in 2003 when the registration started.
But do not disclose my identity or the actual nature of this transaction as I am still a serving
officer in the ministry.


In other to present you/your Company as the beneficiary of the sum of US$14.3M. For this
purpose we will incorporate your company and register you as a contractor with the
Nigerian National Orientation Agency (NNOA). We will also by virtue of our official positions
secure for your company the necessary backup documentation that will facilitate the
release/transfer of the fund into your account. These documents of course will be
destroyed within 10-14 working days at the successful completion of the transfer. We want
to assure you that your help will not in any way bring your company name into disrepute.

Please reply urgently by fax or e-mail as we expect that the transaction will not take more
than ten working days. We shall discus sharing ratio and other modalities when I get your
response. Please note that this transaction must be top secret.

Best Regards,
