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From ???@??? Mon Jun 21 15:02:23 2004
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From: "m-khilad" 
To: m-khalid@o2.pl
Reply-To: m-khalid@o2.pl
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:02:23 -0500
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No: 24A Idrisa Road,
Republic of Iraq.
E-mail: m-khalid@o2.pl


Greetings to you in the name of our Allah I am Mrs Menanie Khalid, a devoted
muslim,a new muslim convert of 74 years old after being converted from a
christian family by my husband.For quite a good number of years now,I have
been suffering from cancer of the breast and fibroid of the womb which has
for a long time now affected my health and from all indications my condition
is deteriorating by day and by my doctor's prediction I have less than six
months to live.

My husband who is now late was killed during the US/British attack against
the president of my country (Sadam Hussain).My late husband was a member of
the contract award committee of the republican ministry of petroleum and
resources of Iraq under the regime of Sadam Hussein
Throughout the period of my marriage with my husband,all efforts to bear
children proved abortive because of my poor state of health.

My husband was a very wealthy and influential man during the post war Iraq.
After his death,I inherited all his wealth since he has no other next of kin.
Since it is now obvious that I may not survive my poor state of health, I
have deemed it necessary to leave a legacy on Earth and give a positive
account and justification of the life I lived on Earth before the Almighty
Allah who will punish all those unbelivers and evil doers that murderd my
husband and wants to control the Iraq oil wealth in the name of war against

This I want to achieve by committing part of this wealth in all sincerlity to
fund mosques, Islamic orphanages,widows and also propagating the word of
ALLAH and to ensure that the society upholds the views and beliefs of the
holy Quran.

The holy Quran emphasized so much on ALLAH'S benevolence and this has
encouraged me to take this bold step hence the reason for taking this bold
decision, I know that afterdeath, I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent
and the most merciful.
Please, note that this sum(us$35 Million) was securely deposited in a
security/financial company overseas in my name by my husband .

I have highlighted my attorney on the said sum and all the possible
assistance he wouldrender to you on the documents covering the money so as to
enable you receive it as I cannot follow it up because of my ill
health.Presently, my attorny is in Europe waiting for anybody willing.
I will also issue you a letter of authorization to anable the money be paid
into your account.I want you and the Muslim community where you reside to
always pray for me,My happiness is that i lived a life of a true devoted
muslim worthy of emulation.

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when remitted to you will be
judiciously used for the said purpose and you will take 10% as a compensation
for your assistance in carrying out these humanitarian services.
Whoever wants to serve ALLAH must serve him in truth and in fairness.
Please always be prayerful all through your life.

Any delay in your reply will give me room to source for a muslim organisation
or a devoted muslim for this same purpose.
Until I hear from you, my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders.
May the almighty ALLAH continue to bless you.

EMAIL: m-khalid@o2.pl

Best regards.
Hajia Menanie Khalid.