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From ???@??? Mon Aug 16 04:08:40 2004
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Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 22:08:40 -0500 (CDT)
From: "kane kwei" 
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My Dear,

I got your email address through search in the Internet.I hope and pray
to God that I have the right person who will assist me.I am Kane Kwei,
the personal account officer to agreat late INDUSTRIALIST (A foreigner )
who has an account in prime bank here in South Africa.The account was
opened in 1998 and he died in 2000 without a written or oral (WILL) and
since 2000 nobody has operated on this account again hence the money is
floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be
forfeited for nothing.

I solicit your assistance to enable us transfer the said amount into
your safe account for unward investment.You can either provide us with
an existing account or to set up a new Bank account immediately to
receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to receive this money,
as long as you will remain honest to me till the end for this important
business trusting in you and believing that you will never let me down
either now or in future.The amount in this account is USD$26M (Twenty
six Million United States Dollars) only.

We will start the first transfer with six million [$6,000.000.00]. Upon
successful transfer without any disappointment from your side, we shall
re-apply for the payment of the remaining balance of $20 million to your
account.I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can
not be approved to a local person here, but can only be approved to any
foreigner who has the correct information of the account which I will
provide to you.At the conclussion of the transfer you will take 35% for
you, 5% for any expenses incurred in this business and the remaining 60%
for me,As soon as I hear from you we will then start to process the
transfer of the fund to your account without further delay.

Contact me through my private email ( kkwei@myway.com OR
kkwei@latinmail.com ) for details and security reasons.

Regards and God Bless,
Kane Kwei.