Example 419 Email Fraud 0586

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From ???@??? Tue Sep 21 18:28:39 2004
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Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 18:28:39 +0100
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From: "peter" 
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Dear Friend,

Iam a Private Investigator based the UK.
A client of mine from a war torn African Country
who has had the misfortune of losing her family
members is now placed in an uncomfortable position to
receive money left to her,contacted me with a Proposal.

I am to make Contact with you and state her offer,
if your Interest is Genuine, you will be contacted
for your account details to which will be
transferred the Sum of $13,500,000.00 USD.

Foryour efforts, you will retain 20% and you are then
required to forwardthe remaining balance to us.
I don't think I need to spell out the importance of
Secrecy in this Matter considering the amount involved.
I willbring you up to date with all the information as
soon as I hear from you.So,if I don't hear from you within
three days I will assume you arenot interested and will
solicit for a new partner, but if you know you are
interested let me know.

List your phone & fax Numbers so we may
communicate with you. This is important,
as we would have to talk about the
modalities of the transaction.

Waiting to hear from you.

Yours faithfully,

Peter cambell.

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