Example 419 Email Fraud 0745
From ???@??? Mon Mar 28 13:09:10 2005
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From: frankgoodman frank goodman
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(table border=0 width=/100%/ cellpadding=/8/ cellpaddi
ng=/8/)(tr)(td bgcolor=/#ffffff/)(SPAN style=
/FONT-SIZE: 11pxg; COLOR: #000000g; FONT-FAMILY: monospace/
)The National Lottery(BR)P O Box 1275(BR)Liverpool, L70 1NL(
BR)UNITED KINGDOM(BR)(Customer Services)(BR) g;(BR)L
e happily announce to you the draw (#951) of The (BR)National Lotte
ry, Online Sweepstakes International(BR)Program held on Wednesday 2
nd Febuary 2005. Your email(BR)address attached to ticket/serial nu
mber 4717-05, with(BR)serial number 7665-43 drew the lucky numbers:
(BR)2-19-28-33-44-49 (bonus no. 21), With Ref. Number:(BR)
TNL/7120T05/68, Batch Number: 02/005/TNL905 and(BR)subsequently w
on the lottery in the 2nd category.i.e(BR)match 6.(BR)&nb
spg;(BR)You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum(BR)
of =A3714,075 (Seven hundred and forteen thousand,(BR)seventy fiv
e pounds sterling) in cash credited to file(BR)KTU/908754634308/05.
This is from a total cash prize(BR)of =A32,856,300 shared amongs
t the first four (4) lucky(BR)winners in this category i.e Match 6.
(BR) g;(BR)All participants for the online version were se
lected(BR)randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer(BR)
draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions,(BR)associatio
ns, and corporate bodies that are listed(BR)online.(BR)&nbs
pg;(BR)Please note that your lucky winning number falls(BR)withi
n our European booklet representative office in(BR)Europe as indicate
d in your play coupon.In view of(BR)this, your =A3714,075 (Seve
n hundred and forteen(BR)thousand, seventy five pounds sterling) wo
uld be(BR)released to you by any of our payment offices.(BR)&
nbspg;(BR)CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!(BR)For security reasons, you ar
e advised to keep your(BR)winning information confidential till your
claims is(BR)processed and your money remitted to you in whatever(B
R)manner you deem fit to claim your prize. Our European(BR)agent
will immediately commence the process to(BR)facilitate the release of
your funds as soon as you(BR)contact him. This is part of our prec
autionary measure(BR)to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse o
f this(BR)program. Please be warned. Deductions from WINNING SUM(
BR)is not allowed until the WINNING SUM has been handed(BR)over to
the winner. To file for your claim, please(BR)contact our fiducia
ry agent: (BR) g;(BR)FRANK GOODMAN(BR)The National L
ottery(BR)P O Box 1275(BR)Liverpool, L70 1NL(BR)UNITED KING
DOM(BR)Email:frankgm121@whipmail.com (BR)You can go to our
online result site to confirm the(BR)value of your winnings and also
get a prize(BR)breakdown:-(BR) g;(BR)(A href=/
y.com(/A)(BR) g;(BR)All prize money must be claimed
in ten working days.(BR)After this date, all funds will be return
ed as(BR)unclaimed. (BR) g;(BR)NOTE: In order to a
void unnecessary delays and(BR)complications, please remember to qu
ote your reference(BR)and batch numbers in every correspondence with
your(BR)agent. Furthermore, should there be any change of your(
BR)address, do inform your claims agent as soon as(BR)possible.
Congratulations once again from our team of(BR)staff and thank you f
or being part of our promotional(BR)program. (BR) g;(B
R)Please include your private telephone and fax numbers(BR)while re
plying. (BR) g;(BR)Sincerely, (BR)Barr. JULIE HA
RVES(BR)Lottery Coordinator(BR)----------------------------------
nbspg;(BR)Note: Anybody under the age of 17 is AUTOMATICALY(BR)
WINNERS will result to disqualification.(BR)(/SPAN)(/td)(
/tr)(/table)(br)(br)(span style=/font-family:monosp
-------(/span)(br)(span style=/font-family:verdanag;font
-size:11pxg;/)Ya puedes ganar con la bolsa sin arriesgar ni un c=E9
ntimo. Nuevo deposito NARANJA bolsa garantizado de ING Direct(br)(
a href=/http://banner.eresmas.com/adclick/CID=00006385c858344