Example 419 Email Fraud 0753

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From ???@??? Tue Apr 05 11:00:55 2005
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From: Mr Peter uwor 
To: uwor@eresmas.com
Reply-To: samuelbene@hotmail.com
Message-ID: <5397d153cd53.53cd535397d1@ma18.eresmas.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 10:00:55 GMT
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Subject: Engineer Emmanuel Oboshi

(table border=0 width=/100%/ cellpadding=/8/ cellpaddi
ng=/8/)(tr)(td bgcolor=/#ffffff/)(P) g;
(P) g;(/P)
(P) g;(/P)
(P)Engineer Emmanuel Oboshi(/P)
(P) g;(/P)
(P)Attention: President/CEO(/P)
(P)I am Engineer Emmanuel Oboshi the Chairman of the(BR)Contract
award Committee of the Federal Ministry of(BR)Mines And Powerg; we a
re in search of an agent to(BR)assist us in receiving the sum of =7B7
.315million=7DSeven(BR)Million,Three Hundred and fifteen US Dolla
rs, and(BR)subsequent investment in Properties, Charities,(BR
)Agriculture or any lucrative venture in your(BR)country/Nigeria.
(P)Job Title(/P)
(P)The Engineering, Procurement and Construction of(BR)Ajokuta
Steel Industry Contact Numbers(BR)MUMPS/FGN/V1761/1LSCON-2/02. Job
complete certificate(BR)NOS: 5320071 MMPS/C: issue date 27th May,
2003, May I(BR)at this juncture, emphasis the high level of(BR
)credibility which this business demands and I hope you(BR)will not
betray the trust and confidence response in(BR)you(/P)
(P)You shall take 30% of the total amount for assisting(BR)us.
If you are interested to assist us in this regard.(BR)And 5% wil
l be for any expense incurred by you during(BR)this transaction. Wh
ile the remaining 65% will be left(BR)for us.(/P)
(P)Lastly, this Transaction is Subject for Verification.(/P)
(P)Yours Faithfully,(BR)Engineer Emmanuel Oboshi(/P)(/td)
(/tr)(/table)(br)(br)(span style=/font-family:mon
----------(/span)(br)(span style=/font-family:verdanag;f
ont-size:11pxg;/)=A1Viaja!(br) Disfruta estos Puentes de las m
ejores vacaciones, vuelos y hoteles!(br)(a href=/http://ban
/area=ERESMAS.CORREO/aamsz=PIE=5FWEBMAIL/ target=/=5Fblank/