Example 419 Email Fraud 0813
From ???@??? Sat Jul 02 16:58:05 2005
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Reply-To: amiinakamara@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 19:58:05 +0400
Subject: i am seeking for an honest partner.
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Dear sir,
Good day.My mail may suprise or astonish you but it is a true event
that took place a couple of days ago.Kamara family need to associate with a
good partner in the gulf to resolve the current issue.
I am Mrs.Amina Kamara,the wife of late G.kamara the former Director of
Natural Mineral Resources Ivory Coast.He was sacked from his duty
during the oubroke of the civil war in my country.This was because of his religion
as a MOSLEM and he came from the nothern part of this country that is
considered as a moslem region and a rebel stronghold.
My late husband with his colleague collaborated with a diplomatic cargo
company situated in ghana to move out $ (fifteen million
us dollar)to Dubai in raw cash.I have all the documents in my hand.
The most unfortunate event took place a couple of days ago.My husband
alerted me about the deal and his trip to dubai with his friends to
claim the fund.He handed the documents to me and instructed me to DHL the
documents on his name, to an address he handed over to me.He stressed
on the importance of the documents.
He left with his colleagues to Ghana on the 15th of may 2005 to board
Emirates Air to Dubai.We had unpleasant news on the 17th may 2005,that
my husband was short dead in Ghana.We have since buried him according to
moslem rites.
The entire family of Kamara are in deep pains for the lost of our bread
winner.This no time to trace where the assassins came from.I want to
safe gaurd the fund that is currently in Dubai.I shall be very willing to
coperate with you in any form if you can receive the above consignment
from the Diplomatic Company situated in dubai.
I expect you to assist my family receive the consignment in dubai,after
which i will invest and settle in your country. I have unfliching trust
and confidence on you and your business credentials.I am not comfortable
sending this documents to your office fax for the far of failling into the
hands of your workers.kindly indicate your private telefax and telephone number.
In summary,i shall be very willing to share fifty fifty with you at the
conclusion of the transaction.I sincerely appologize for any inconveniences i might cause you with this request.
Mrs.Amina Kamara