Example 419 Email Fraud 0834

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From ???@??? Tue Jul 19 23:28:02 2005
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From: Fatima Azeez 
To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
Reply-To: fatima@goowy.com
Subject: Claims
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 23:28:02 +0100
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Dear friend,


Kindly Pardon my intrusion into your privacy. I need your help desperately. =
My name is Mrs Fatima Azeez; I am the account manager of the deceased with =
Zenith Bank Ltd, Nigeria. I wish to know if you can assist me conclude a =
confidential business, which will be of mutual benefit to both of us. I =
assure you that your assistance and participation is 100% safe and highly =
profitable in the end.

Please, I seek your involvement to stand as the next of kin to a deceased. He =
was a foreigner and a Multi-millionaire contractor in oil exploration in =
Nigeria. While in Nigeria, he runs a check account in our bank with a balance =
sum of {US$15 million} before his demise since year 2000. The record in our =
bank reveals that he died without any documented next of kin and as such the =
funds now have an open beneficiary mandate. It is for this reason that I seek =
your permission to present yourself as the next of kin to the deceased. =
Consequently, by virtue of your last names it can be proved beyond all =
reasonable doubt, that you are related to him since he is from your country. =
My guideline/directives will see you through with success.

I am contacting you to come forward and lay claims over the above sum in his =
account as his next of kin before the money is confiscated since there is a =
government gazette mandating/authorising banks to place on hold or freeze any =
account containing large sums of money that has been unserviceable for a =
reasonable period of time. This is geared towards forestalling capital flight =
of the economy. Prior to the execution of this directive, the bank has been =
waiting for any of his relatives to come forward for claims.

Send your response immediately to my confidential email address: =
azeez@goowy.com for further confidential details and also a telephone number =
where I can reach you immediately for more discussion. Please do not disclose =
this information to anyone else should you not be disposed to be of any =
assistance. This transaction is very confidential and should be given special =

Best regards,

Mrs Fatima Azeez