Example 419 Email Fraud 0840

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From ???@??? Thu Jul 21 17:47:30 2005
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Dear Sir/madam

I am Mr Daley Sanko, we are a group of business men
who deal on raw materials and export into Europe/America and Asia.

we have raw material such as diamond and gold, we are from africa, Sierra-Leone,
we can export our products to your destination since we have a license from
the government of Sierra-Leone to export gold and diamond.

we can produce and export larger quantities of hundreds of millions of dollars.
of our products.

We are searching for buyer of these raw materials all over the world.

we are interested in making relationships, making new customers all over
the world who can buy our products

We always advise that our clients come down to Sierra-Leone to see the
product for thenselves to be sure of what they want to buy, and how they
want it.

If you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very glad
to be of your service.

Please contact us via email for more information.

Please if you are interested forward to us your phone/fax
number and your full contact addresses. on this email daleysanko@netscape.net


D. Sanko