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From ???@??? Thu Aug 04 15:57:25 2005
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Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 16:57:25 +0200
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From: zizi@handbag.com
Subject: Business Proposition!!!
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Dear Partner,

How do you do? I am Zizi Al Turabi, I have a business proposition which w=
be of mutual benefit to both of us . If you are interested, do get back t=
me via email on: email@ziz-al-turabi.com.

I await your urgent response.


Zizi Al Turabi

1Mb Tiscali Broadband for =A314.99.
Offer ends 30th June 2005

1Mb Tiscali Broadband for =A314.99.
Offer ends 30th June 2005