Example 419 Email Fraud 0961

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From ???@??? Mon Sep 05 14:48:35 2005
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X-Originating-Email: [johnsonsproduct@johnsonsproduct.com]
X-Sender: johnsonsproduct@johnsonsproduct.com
Subject: Be our representative!
Date: Mon, 05 Sep 2005 13:48:35 +0000
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Hello,How are you today,

I am Mr. Nat Johnson Director of JOHNSONS Product Co. Ltd. We are
searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting
to our customers in Europe ,Asia and America as well as making payments
through you to us as our payment officer.

Most of our customer pay out in cheques and we do not have an account
in your country that will clear this money. It is upon this note that we
seek your assistance to stand as our representative in your country.
Subject to your satisfaction you will be given the opportunity to
negotiate your mode of which we will receive 10% for your services of
whatever amount you clear for the company and the balance will be paid into
an account we will avail to you.

Please, to facilitate the conclusion of this transaction if accepted,
Please do send to us promptly,to our customer care department via email
{jam_ander@aemail4u.com} with the following information

(1)Your full names,
(2)Contact address,
(3)Phone/fax numbers,
(4) Occupation.

Director, Mr.NAT JOHNSON,