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From ???@??? Sun Oct 09 07:54:38 2005
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To: ld_ld_damian@walla.com
Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2005 16:54:38 +1000
Subject: Representative Needed
Reply-To: ld_ld_damian@walla.com

Dear Sir/Madam,
I represent GRAMBEST INTERNATIONAL Import and Export Company based in the UK.My company exports cocoa and other goods/services for world trade.What we really require is someone who can represent this company in Europe canada and America We have been having problems with clients in these regions because they are politely refusing to pay for shipments on one excuse or the other so we need a representative that can assist us in clearing our money in their respective countries. Most of our customers pay out in cheques and we do not have an account in your country that will clear this money.
It is upon this note that we seek your assistance as our representative in your country.
Be informed that as our representative, you will receive 10% of whatever amount you clear for the company and the balance will be paid into an account we will avail to you.
The second thing required of you would be for you to establish a
relationship on behalf of our company with other cocoa industries in your country so that we can have new ideas and directions.
This job is rather easy and does not require a lot of expertise.
If you are interested in this business offer,please email me on this
email address below:

Very Respectfully,
Lucas Damian,
GRAMBEST INTERNATIONAL Goods for Import / Export
& Freight Fwdg. Svcs.
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Import / Export & Freight Fwdg. Svcs.