Example 419 Email Fraud 1013

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From ???@??? Thu Oct 13 04:13:05 2005
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Date: 12-oct-2005
Ref Nr: DZL/CN/6654/CP
Dear Prize Winner,


Europe / America private international e-games organizers and co-sponsors=
, DAYZERS LOTERIJ, officially bring to your notice of the final draw resu=
lt of october-2005 DAYZERS LOTERIJ -wheel E-game which was conducted at o=
ur international corporate office complex in The Netherlands. Most recent=
ly this foundation set up the NEW LOTTERY SCHEME to give out prizes based=
on COMPUTER BALLOT SYSTEM.By doing this the foundation seek to encourage=
the use of Internet for academic and business pursuits.

It major aim is to promote music, theater, art,literature, projects in th=
social and political arena with a focus on health, as well as science, re=
search, and higher education.We wish to congratulate and inform you on th=
e selection of your email coupon number which was selected among the 45 l=
ucky consolation prize winners.

Your email ID identified with coupon No. DZL2348974321 and was selected b=
y our E-games Random Selection System (ERSS) with entries from the 50,000=
different email addresses enrolled for the E-game.Your email ID was incl=
uded among the 50,000 different email addresses submitted by our partner =
international email provider companies.

You have won a consolation cash prize of US $ 500,000.00 (Five Hundred Th=
ousand US Dollars) only.

The DAYZERS LOTERIJ Group. have approved a payout of your consOlation cas=
h prize which will be remunerated directly to you by the official Payment=
Agency Board. Our DUE PROCESS UNIT (DPU) will render to you complete ass=
istance and provide additional information and processes for the claims o=
f your consolation prize.

For due processing of your winning claim, please contact the DPU Informat=
ion Officer Mr. von Groy Nasil has been assigned to assist you.

Contact E-mail:g.nasil@mcrmail.com

Once again congratulations from all our staffs on your consolation prize
winning, we hope you will partake in our forth coming DAYZERS LOTERIJ Ema=

Mary Kent (Mrs).
(Group Coordinator)

NB: In accordance with the DAYZERS LOTERIJ E-games policy and regulations=
, this notification is dispatched directly to only the 45 lucky consolati=
on prize Winners.

This notification also contains information that is proprietary, privileg=
ed or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure.
If you are not the right recipient whose email address attached to the lu=
cky numbers along with the winning information=E2=80=99s you are not auth=
orized to read, print,retain, copy or disseminate this notice or any part=
of it.

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