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From ???@??? Wed Oct 26 00:19:45 2005
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Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 03:19:45 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: urgent reply needed
From: "schumacher bruce" 
To: schumacher_bruce@yahoo.com
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Dear friend,
This letter might come to you as a surprise as we have not met before, but
I believe that you would be compelled to help me after going through the
contents of this letter.
My name is Mr. SCHUMACHER BRUCE, a divorcee, I am a portuguese. I am a
farmer in Zimbabwe.
Basically, I was involved in Agricultural production, until August (2003),
when the government of Robert Mugabe decided to seize all farm-land(s)
owned by whites in Zimbabwe (without compensation). He (Robert Mugabe) did
not stop at that; he also went on to expel all White farmers in Zimbabwe.
He implored the services of his war veterans to undertake this seizure.
The war veterans have been accused (correctly) of being behind the violent
occupation of white-owned commercial farms in which an estimated 70,000
farm workers have been displaced. At least, over hundreds white farmers
and black settlers have been killed since the farm invasions began in
February 2000.
As at this moment, most of us have grudgingly gone back to Europe, while
some (a few) of us are still in Zimbabwe. We have decided that we must see
this problem to the end. Although we know that we are taking a great risk
by staying here in Zimbabwe. At the moment, our phone lines are bugged,