Example 419 Email Fraud 1057

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From ???@??? Tue Jan 10 19:14:57 2006
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From: Michael  Anderson 
To: anderson_mike@indiatimes.com
Subject: Confidental Mail
Reply-To: anderson_mike@indiatimes.com
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 19:14:57 +0000
X-Uidl: ConfidentalMail
X-Mailer: AtMail 4.11
Message-Id: <20060111125919.847A1E0000AA@duelling.systems.Isp2.net>

Dear Friend,=0D
Let me start by introducing myself properly to you. I=0D
am Mr. Michael S Anderson, I work with the Absa Bank SA as an=0D
account officer in the Treasury/Credit Control Unit. I=0D
came to know you in private search for a reliable and=0D
reputable person to handle this confidential=0D
transaction, which involve the transfer of a huge sum=0D
of money into a foriegn account requiring maximum=0D
First, I must solicit your confidence in this=0D
transaction, this by virtue of its nature that is=0D
utterly confidential and secret. Though I know that a=0D
transaction of this magnitude will make any one=0D
apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that=0D
all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to=0D
contact you due to the fact that this transaction is=0D
urgent, as I will rely on your ability in handling a=0D
transaction of this nature.=0D
foreigner by name Andreas Schranner , who is a real=0D
estate and property developer by profession does some=0D
his banking transaction with us at Absa Bank and had a=0D
closing balance as at the end of January 2002, which=0D
is worth Fifteen Million United States Dollars . =0D
I was his personal account officer and since he=0D
deposited this money with us in the year 1999, We=0D
were instructed by my late client that the money be=0D
kept and secured in a security and finance firm=0D
because it was less expensive to keep and secure the=0D
funds in the security firm devoid of tax payments.=0D
I am sad to inform you that Mr Andreas Schranner and=0D
his wife died in the ill fated concorde flight AF4590 =0D
that crashed into Hotelisimmo on the 31st of July=0D
2000 in Paris-France . check this website below:=0D
Our bank now expects his Next of Kin to come forward=0D
as a sole beneficiary to his assets with the bank,=0D
mean while, as is personal account officer valuable=0D
efforts has being made by me for more than one year to=0D
get in touch with any of my late client family or=0D
relatives without any success. It is because of the=0D
percieved impossibility of being able to locate any of=0D
my late client Next of Kin as his wife Maria Schranner=0D
and his daughter Eich Andreas perished in the flight=0D
Based on this, I secretly seek advice from a fellow=0D
coleague who has being in banking for about 14 years=0D
now about this issue of my late client , he made me=0D
understand that things like this do happen and at the=0D
end of the day the chairman and board of directors of=0D
the bank will declare the funds as '' Unclaimed '' and=0D
subsequently divert it for thier personal use. In=0D
order to avert this negetive development, I now seek=0D
your permission to have you stand as the Next of Kin=0D
to my late client, so that the funds will be released=0D
and paid into your account as the beneficiary Next of=0D
I have already secured from the probate, as soon as I=0D
recieve an acknowledgement of your acceptance, I will=0D
furnish you with the necessary modalities of the=0D
transaction. I assure you that this transcaction is=0D
100% risk free, and as soon as we succeed in getting=0D
this funds to your account, The money will be shared=0D
on a 50-50 basis .=0D
Please forward to me on acceptance of this proposal,=0D
your private telephone and fax number including the=0D
country code and area codes, your complete names,and=0D
private email address for effective communication as=0D
the project will be completed within the next 14=0D
working days.=0D
Best Regards.=0D
Michael S Anderson=0D