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From ???@??? Tue Jul 04 01:41:36 2006
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Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 01:41:36 +0100 (GMT+01:00)
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>From DR.Greame cornwallis,
My private tell number (+447040124814)
In order to transfer
out {fifteen-million pounds
sterlings} from our bank here in London.I
have the courage to look for
a reliable and honest person who will be
capable for this transaction.
Believing that you will never let me down
either now or in future.
am DR. Greame Cornwallis the Chief Executive
auditor of a bank here in
Scotland United Kingdom.There is an account
opened in this bank in
1995 and since 1998 nobody has operated on this
account again up to
date.After going through some old files in the records,i
that if i do not remitt this money urgently,it will be
forfeited for
nothing.The owner of this account is Mr Hughes foreigner
from and the
manager of petrol chemical service here in london,a
chemical engineer
by profession and he died since 1998.And then,since
1998,nobody knows
about this account.The account has no other
beneficiary and the money
involved is {15,000,000.00}pounds sterlings.
When the transfer is
approved i want us to see at the oversea paying
clearance office face
to face or signing of the original bindding
agreement to bind us
together so that,we can receive this money into a
foreign account or
any account of your choice where the fund will be
management is ready to approve this payment to any
foreigner who has
the correct information to this account, which i will
give to you when
sure of your capability to handle such amount in
strict confidence and
trust.I will use my position and influence to
destroy any true
documents belongs to this account for our sake.And i
will ensure that
this money is transfered to your account.With
assurance that this
money will be intact pending my physical arrival to
your country for
sharing and other investments.65% belongs to me while
35% will be
yours.Hope to hear from you immediately.Please reply
through my
private email contact {dr_graeme2000@yahoo.co.uk}

