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From ???@??? Thu Aug 17 09:19:38 2006
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Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 10:19:38 +0200
From: alexandersky202@yahoo.com
To: alexandersky202@yahoo.com
Subject: YOKUS OIL
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From: Alexander Shadrin Gusinsky
Franchise Owner of Yukos Engineering

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have sent you this mail because of the need to open discussions with
you. I don't want you to misunderstand this offer in any aspect, if it
is okay with you I ask for your full co-operation. I am Alexander Gusinsky, the Franchise
Owner of Yukos Engineering and International Affiliate of Yukos Oil and Gas Company based
in Russia. Due to ill Health I have been Esophageal Cancer, it has defiled all forms of
medical treatment and according to the medical experts it is a terminal illness so I do not
know how much longer I have to live. I never had any real friends in my lifetime because I
never really cared for anyone but my business.

But now I know that there is more to live than making all the money in
the world. However, certain unfolding events has made it very necessary
for me to seek your help, my company is fighting investigations and
Bankruptcy due to the Yukos Oil problems in Russia, most of my assets were seized due to this case.

Recently I received a bulk payment from South Africa Ministry for my
Last contract there. I instructed them specifically not to send the
Funds to Russia because of the problems, but that the funds should be deposited with a Finance and
Security company in Europe on hold. A huge cash deposit ofUS$18,000,000.00 (Eighteen Million Dollars)
was domiciled with the Finance/Security Company overseas to my knowledge only. This is the last of my
assets, now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore, I therefore need
you as a partner because you are a neutral party to help me collect this funds deposited with the security
company and disburse it secretly based on instructions.

Because my time is short I have decided to give most of this money to
Charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds
I do on earth. For all your good efforts you will receive 30% of the Funds and disburse the rest based
on instructions. I want you to understand my seriousness in this case and if you can handle this transaction,
kindly contact me Via this email: alexgusinsky101@aim.com, I have all the necessary documents on hand,
Please contact me ASAP so we can discuss more.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

Best Regards,
Alexander Gusinsky