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From ???@??? Thu Sep 07 14:29:14 2006
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Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 15:29:14 +0200 (MEST)
From: "sgtdong@terra.es" 
Reply-To: "sgtdong@terra.es" 
Subject: Funds from iraq ( Private )
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Hey Buddy,

This is Sgt Don Graham, I am a soldier And photo journalist, serving in the=
military .I am with the 248th Engineer corp. in the National Guard. I am =
writing this message from Ar-ramadi in Iraq. We hit Iraq May 2003 and have =
moved around a few times building up f.o.b. around the western side of the =
country as well as missions into Bagdad.With attacks by insurgents everyday=
and car bombs, We Managed to move funds belonging to Saddam Hussein=C3=A2=
=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s Family.The total amount is US$25 Million dollars in cas=
h, mostly 100 dollar bills. We want to move this money out of Iraqi. No str=
ings attached, just help us receive it, Iraq is a war zone although partial=
ly ended. We plan on using diplomatic courier to ship the money out in one =
large silver box, using diplomatic immunity. If you are interested I will s=
end you the full details, when you receive this letter signifying your inte=
rest including your most confidential telephone/fax numbers for quick respo=
nse also your contact details.

Sgt.Don Graham.

Prueba el Nuevo Correo Terra; Seguro, rápido, fiable.