Example 419 Email Fraud 1131

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From ???@??? Wed Oct 18 06:53:23 2006
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Message-ID: <4607.>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:53:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re:God Bless You 
To: uubaabraham@yahoo.com.hk
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus


Alternative email:uubaavic@88.am

Dear Sir,


May I respectfully invite your kind attention to the above subject matter
and to state that based on information gathered from the relevant Federal
Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Tourism, we, intend to solicit your
assistance in the execution of a business transaction. It is our sincere
conviction that you will handle this transaction with absolute
confidentiality, I want you to patiently read this offer as it comes with
the best of intentions as I wish to inform you that this letter is not a
scam mail and I urge you to treat it with all seriousness, maturity and
utmost sense of purpose.
I wish to further inform you that we have twenty Million U.S.
Dollars(US$20M) which accrued overtime from deliberately inflated contract
awarded in my Ministry (Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources) and
executed by a consortium of multinationals in the Oil Industry. The
projects executed include the following:
1. The expansion of pipeline network within Nigeria for Crude Oil and
Downstream products distribution and subsequent evacuation.
2. Contract for the Turn Around Maintenance (TAM) of the three Refineries
In the country.
3. The construction of storage tanks for Petroleum Products (Depots).

Consequently, we humbly request your gracious assistance and permission
towards the remittance of the above stated amount into a
personal/company/offshore account nominated by you.

We propose tentatively that you will receive 30% of the total sum, and the
remaining 70% is for my colleagues and me.
However, this is negotiable in the event of your willingness to assist.

Could you please notify me of your acceptance to carry out this
transaction urgently by email email addresses:uubaavic@88.am only, on the
receipt of this message. I shall
in turn inform you of the modalities for a formal application to secure
the necessary approvals for the release of this fund into your account.

This transaction from the day of commencement will not take more than
ten(10) working days.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely

Dr.Uba Abraham