Example 419 Email Fraud 1176

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From ???@??? Mon Apr 02 23:32:07 2007
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Date: 2 Apr 2007 22:32:07 -0000
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To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
From: Dr Emma Victor 
Reply-To: creditbank_benin404@tlen.pl
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Hello Dearest Friend,

I am glad to inform you that I have successfully concluded the transaction,the money has been transferred to London through the assistant of Mr.Howard Ferraro who is a London base business man.Currently I am in London with him and my wife and children.

However, I did not forget you because you are the source of my success,you made me what I am now though you are not there to complete this project with me but I gave all the credit and thanks to you. knowing it is not your fault or rather your wish to back off on me and the transaction, I understand it was simply because of some circumstances you could not control.

In appreciate of your assistance I have mapped out some money as a Compensation and i have deposited the sum of US$2.5000.00. (two millon five hundred thousand, United States Dollar Only) to the CREDIT BANK REPUBLIC DU BENIN on your favour, on my departure to

London. I would like you to contact the bank for the transfer of your funds with the below information where to transfer your funds .



Phone no: +229 9731 1317

Try to get back to me once the transfer is made because i am very busy here trying to put things together and may not be chanced to email you frequently.Feel free to contact the bank for your funds. I will stop here.

Once again,thank you very much and remain blessed.


Dr,Emma Victor.