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From ???@??? Wed May 30 03:07:00 2007
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Date: Tue, 29 May 2007 19:07:00 -0700
From: Clint  Harward 
Subject: CONFIDENTIAL Contact [clintharwardchamber@yahoo.co.uk] For Further
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PRIVATE EMAIL:barr_clint_chamber@yahoo.co.uk

As the attorney to Sir Wayne Harris I was his confidant as he shared with me virtually everything about himself, his business and family. I was his attorney for 15years and during that period I wrote his WILL and was also named as the executor, which has since been fulfilled. I am also aware due to my closeness to him that the amount Ten Million Pounds he deposited with a bank in Europe was not willed out. He told me about this on his sick bed and even instructed that I should prepare a codicil to that effect, however before I could finish my work he died.
After his death, funeral and subsequent execution of his will I went into action to ascertain the information passed unto me by my client. My investigation conformed to the information; at that point I knew I had to do something to move the funds out of the bank and knowing that I cannot do this alone I have decided to contact you and seek your assistance and acceptance to be the next of kin to the estate.
What I require from you to enable us achieve the above are your;
Date of Birth
Telephone and Fax numbers
Upon receipt of a confirmation of acceptance from you a sharing ratio would be worked out between the three of us and communicated to you along with my telephone number.in the light of above, your positive responses would be appreciated through my email.
Take care and have a nice day.

Clint Harward.
PRIVATE EMAIL:barr_clint_chamber@yahoo.co.uk

As the attorney to Sir Wayne Harris I was his confidant as he shared with me virtually everything about himself, his business and family. I was his attorney for 15years and during that period I wrote his WILL and was also named as the executor, which has since been fulfilled. I am also aware due to my closeness to him that the amount Ten Million Pounds he deposited with a bank in Europe was not willed out. He told me about this on his sick bed and even instructed that I should prepare a codicil to that effect, however before I could finish my work he died.
After his death, funeral and subsequent execution of his will I went into action to ascertain the information passed unto me by my client. My investigation conformed to the information; at that point I knew I had to do something to move the funds out of the bank and knowing that I cannot do this alone I have decided to contact you and seek your assistance and acceptance to be the next of kin to the estate.
What I require from you to enable us achieve the above are your;
Date of Birth
Telephone and Fax numbers
Upon receipt of a confirmation of acceptance from you a sharing ratio would be worked out between the three of us and communicated to you along with my telephone number.in the light of above, your positive responses would be appreciated through my email.
Take care and have a nice day.

Clint Harward.
PRIVATE EMAIL:barr_clint_chamber@yahoo.co.uk

As the attorney to Sir Wayne Harris I was his confidant as he shared with me virtually everything about himself, his business and family. I was his attorney for 15years and during that period I wrote his WILL and was also named as the executor, which has since been fulfilled. I am also aware due to my closeness to him that the amount Ten Million Pounds he deposited with a bank in Europe was not willed out. He told me about this on his sick bed and even instructed that I should prepare a codicil to that effect, however before I could finish my work he died.
After his death, funeral and subsequent execution of his will I went into action to ascertain the information passed unto me by my client. My investigation conformed to the information; at that point I knew I had to do something to move the funds out of the bank and knowing that I cannot do this alone I have decided to contact you and seek your assistance and acceptance to be the next of kin to the estate.
What I require from you to enable us achieve the above are your;
Date of Birth
Telephone and Fax numbers
Upon receipt of a confirmation of acceptance from you a sharing ratio would be worked out between the three of us and communicated to you along with my telephone number.in the light of above, your positive responses would be appreciated through my email.
Take care and have a nice day.

Clint Harward.