Example 419 Email Fraud 1225

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From ???@??? Sun Sep 23 17:37:20 2007
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Date: 23 Sep 2007 18:37:20 +0200
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To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
From: David Blair 
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14,Woolworth Rd,

SE1 7AA.

Tel: +44-704-573-3059

Fax: 020 7253 4309

Email: david_divinearts2k7@yahoo.co.uk


My name is David Blair and I own a company that sells fabric and arts

material in London,I am looking for a representative in the United States Of

America and Canada who will be working for me as a part time worker and i will

be willing to pay 10% for every transaction, which wouldn't affect

your present state of work, someone who would help me receive payments from my customers in

the states or in canada, I mean someone that is responsible and reliable,

because the cost of coming to the state or canada and getting payments is very

expensive, I am working on setting up a branch in the state, so for now i need

a representative in the United States Of America and Canada who will be

handling the payment aspect for our company.

These payments are in order or cashier's cheque and they would come to you in

your name if you are willing to assist as a representative, so all you need do

is cash the money order deduct your percentage and western union Charges then

wire the rest back.

You are entitled to 10% commission for any transaction(that is for any U.S

POSTAL MONEY ORDERS or CASHIER's CHECK ETC ).This transaction is risk free and

legal from the American Government.Please reply only if you will like to work

from home part-time and get paid weekly without leaving or it affecting your present job. Please

get back to me with your Complete Name,Residential Address and Telephone


FIRST NAME................... LAST NAME................


CITY................ STATE...................

ZIP CODE.............. COUNTRY.................

PHONE NUMBER (S) ...................


GENDER................. MARITAL STATUS...............

AGE................... NATIONALITY..........................

PRESENT OCCUPATION..............................

EMAIL ADDRESS.............................

These payments are in order or cashier's cheque and they would come to you in

your name if you are willing to assist as a representative, so all you need do

is cash the money order deduct your percentage and western union Charges then

wire the rest back.

MR. David Blair

Director of Divine Arts Limited.

Tel: +44-704-573-3059