Example 419 Email Fraud 1245

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From ???@??? Mon Oct 08 10:16:58 2007
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(Accredited Licensed Agent to Transglobe lottery international )Ref Number=
: 152/716/5047 Transglobe Finance Agency Batch number:538901527-BB67
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the NLF ONLINE International =
Lottery programs held on the 8th of October 2007 entered your email addres=
ses amongst other addresses for the international lottery programs conducte=
Your e-mail address attached to ticket number27533465196-6451 with serial n=
umber 8742-517 drew lucky numbers 4-14-80-26-31-46, which consequently won =
in the 1st category, you have therefore been approvedfor a lump sum pay out=
of US$ 500,000.00 (Five hundred thousand united states Dollars) from a tot=
al sum of USD$2,500,000.00 shared amongst the first 5 lucky winners entered=
in their category.To claim your winnings you must first contact Transglobe=
Finance Agency to give your 1.Full Name: ............
2.Address: ...........3.Nationality: ................
4.Age:................Date of Birth....................
5.Occupation: .................Fax:.................6.Phone: ..............=
....Phone 2:...................
7.State of Origin...: .......... .Country: .................CONGRATULATIONS=

Mrs. Natasha Mel=
Due to mix up of some numbers and names, we ask that you keep your Winning =
information confidential until your claims has been processed and your mone=
y Remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double cl=
aiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants.
All participants were selected through a computerballot system drawn from o=
ver 20,000 companies and 30,000,000 individual email addresses and names fr=
om all over the worldThis promotional program takes place every year. This =
lottery was promoted by some software corporation to compensate some fewInd=
ividuals with website and email addresses after the microsoft anti-various=
incident on August 2003.
However, you have automatically qualified to take part in our next year USD=
8 million international lottery programs.To file for your claim now, please=
contact Transglobe Finance Agency at: transglobefinansia@uku.co.uk or your=
designated Agent MR.Desmond Edom at the following email address : dedom@u=
ku.co.uk Please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications=
please remember to quote your reference number and batch numbersin all cor=
respondence.Furthermore,should there be any change of address do inform our=
agent as soon as possible. Congratulations once again and thank you for be=
ing part of our promotional program.
N.B Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to=
disqualification and Anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disquali=

Sincerely yours MR DESMOND EDOMMrs=
. Rose Wang Lottery Coordinator

Congratulations You Have Won!
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