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From ???@??? Tue Oct 30 12:07:58 2007
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From: frank john 
Subject: Dear Friend, 
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:07:58 +0100
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ted Kingdom.private Email frank_john821@yahoo.co.ukmy private number is +44=

Dear Friend,

It is with heartfelt,I Hereby seek your co-operation and assistance in this=
context . I am Barrister Frank John,the personal Attorney to the late(Mr T=
om oral) I got your contact through the british news casting online where t=
his offer was solicited under the custody of the above mentioned chamber by=
course of picking of bearer of the Name{oral] Randomly, and your e-mail ad=
dress was been picked as the lucky winner of this very legal proposal,thoug=
h in more details about my late client.

"He was the Chief Executive officer of GFS, shipping company,England,United=
Kingdom for years and he was retired in the 1st day of September 2004. Aft=
er few months, My client and his family of two died on their way to a holid=
ay resort in Glasgow, scotland in an explosion which hit the London undergr=
ound trains on the 7,july 2005.


I was in my office when the metropolitan police came on air to announce the=
tragedy and finally declared that 33 were lives lost and that the casualti=
es numbered up to 700. Before his death,my client had a total sum of 9.5 mi=
llion pounds with a finance house Hoping to transfer the fund to his countr=
y {United States of America} in no time before he and his family met a sudd=
en death. According to the DEED OF WILL made by my late client, He declared=
that on his demision, That this money and other property be made-over to h=
is only child(a boy) and wife,Agnes.

I have consequently decided that since you are a foreigner like my late cli=
ent,I would rather present you to the holding Bank as the true next of kin =
to my late client and get the money claimed and be shared among the authori=
zed beneficiaries than allowing the holding Bank to convert it to their own=
account forever.

I agree to pay you 40% of the fund as the account owner, 50% for me, and 10=
% goes direct to any of our well wisher who has rigidly indeed showen love =
to humaniterian hard ained wealth not to be lost or inherited by on known p=
ersonality, kindly do remember to Provide the following information for the=
application processing.

1 your full name...............2 contact address..............3 phone and f=
ax number...........4 Age.....5 Occupation............................6 You=
r international pass port............

Thanks and God bless.

Lord Attorney Frank John
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