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From ???@??? Thu Nov 08 22:40:51 2007
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Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2007 23:40:51 +0100 (CET)
From: Mrs Tracy 
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Subject: Winning number YM09788 Batch number 12 25 03 40 Reff number MSNLF2002D26937
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus

Microsoft Award Team
20 Craven Park, Harlesden
London NW10,United Kingdom.
Batch number: 12/25/0340
Reff number: MSN-L/200-26937
Winning number: YM09788

Microsoft Award Notification

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of FIVE HUNDREDT=
HOUSAND POUNDS (=C2=A3500,000) for the month of October 2007 Lottery pr=
omotion which is organized by YAHOO LOTTERY INC & WINDOWS LIVE.

YAHOO & MICROSOFT WINDOWS, collects all the email addresses of the peop=
le that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo =
and Hotmail we only select five people every Month as our winners throu=
gh electronic balloting System without the winner applying, we congratu=
late you for being one of the people selected.


You are to contact your Claims Agent with immediate effect to faciliate=
the protocol of your winning prized before the date of Claim, Winners=

Shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre Prize must =
be claimed not later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification after =
the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prize not claimed within this=
period will be forfeited.

These are your identification numbers:

Batch number...................12/25/0340
Reff number.......................MSN-L/200-26937
Winning number...................YM09788

To begin your claim please contact our licensed and accredited agent as=
signed to you
MR. Terry Martins
Email: msnverificationdept56@gmail.com
Tel: +44 702 402 8761
You are therefore advised to send the following information to the clai=
ms agent to facilitate them and in order for them to have access in pro=
ceeding with the tranaferred of your funds to your nominated bank acco=

1. Full name............
2. Country..............
3. Contact Address........
4. Telephone Number.......
5. Marital Status.........
6. Occupation.............
7. Company..............
8. Age....................

Msn Lottery Prize must be claimed not later than 15 days from date of D=
raw Notification after the Draw date in which Prize has won. Any prize =
not claimed within this period will be forfeited.

Congratulations!! once again.

Yours in service,
Mrs.Tracy Kelly.

(Operation Manager)