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From ???@??? Thu Nov 15 11:17:53 2007
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Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 12:17:53 +0100
From: Anna Peroli 
Reply-to: annaperoli231@yahoo.com.hk
To: peroli@cheapnet.it
Subject: GRANT No : VTF-2007/B-289910-29
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Foundations Officer,
Vittorio Foundation,

Dear Sir,


This is to notify you that you have been chosen By the Board of Trustees of
the above International, charity organization based in the Italy as one of the
final Recipients of a Cash Grant/Donation for Educational, Economic, social
and Research developments in your community.

The Vittorio Foundation has established in 1977 by the Multi-Million group
was conceived with the objective Of Human Growth, Educational and
Community development.

In line with the 30 years anniversary program this year, the Vittorio
Foundation in conjunction with the European Council is giving out One
Hundred Million United States Dollars as specific Donations/Grants to
150 lucky international recipients worldwide in different categories for
Business development and Social uplift of their various communities.

These funds are freely given to use for your business and educational
development and your community development at large.

Based on the random selection exercise of internet websites and millions
of Super market cash invoices worldwide, you were selected among the lucky
recipients to receive the award sum of USD750, 000.00 (Seven hundred and fifty
thousand United states Dollars) as charity donations/aid from the Vittorio
Foundation in
accordance with the enabling act of Parliament. (Note that your email was
from either the Internet, after absolute viewing of your profile or a
Shop's cash invoice around your area in which you might have purchased
something from)

You are required to Contact immediately the Executive Secretary below for
qualification documentation and processing of your claims. Also, you are to
contact back to this email when you have collected your Grant.

Executive Secretary- Mr. Antonio Colleto Email: acolleto@excite.com

Please endeavor to quote your Qualification numbers (VTF-2007/B-289910-29)
in all your correspondence.

Please note that this donations/Grants are administered according to Italian

You are by all means advised to keep this whole information confidential
until you have collected your donation, to avoid double and unqualified claim,
due to beneficiaries informing third parties on cash
grant donation.

On behalf of the Board,

kindly accept our warmest congratulations!

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Panna Peroli.
(Foundation officer)