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From ???@??? Wed Dec 05 09:46:40 2007
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Message-ID: <20071205044640.7DIM3.297253.root@fepweb01>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 4:46:40 -0500
From: Hamad Ocalan 
Reply-To: hamadocalan1952@yahoo.co.uk
Subject: Greetings to you and your household,with due respect,I apologies
 for intrusion into your privacy, as I wish this does not constitute any
 sort of embarrassment to you. I am the only surviving child of the Abdullah
 Ocalan,The leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). My father actively
 fought for the liberation and unification of ourpeople (The Kurds) under
 one sovereign nation which earned him the support of many and being branded
 a rebel by others. He amassed a lot of money garnered from supporters and
 sympathisers alike from which he kept quite a lot for his family's use.For
 more details on this, click:
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_%C3%96calan . Before his sudden
 arrest in1999, he confided in me the whereabouts of this money and
 instructed me to find means of investing the funds far away from the reach
 of the Turkish government who have frozen m o st of the acounts and assets
 of the PKK. I need to , more than ever invest this money for the b enefit
 of my three year old son Hassan. He is all that is left of the Ocalan
 family. Regards,Hamad Ocalan.
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
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Hamad Ocalan.