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From ???@??? Wed Jan 23 16:45:57 2008
X-Original-To: Isp402@dsl.Isp2.com
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X-Qmail-Scanner-Mail-From: lilesongonline01@yahoo.com.hk via smtp01
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Message-ID: <12238.>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 23:45:57 +0700 (ICT)
From: "MR. SONG LI LE" 
Reply-To: lilesongonline@yahoo.com.hk
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Good Day.

Please Read.

My name is Mr. Song Lile, I am the credit officer
in Hang Seng Bank, Hong Kong. I have a business
proposal in the tune of $19.5m to be transferred
to an offshore account with your assistance.

After the successful transfer, we shall share in
ratio of 30% for you and 70% for me. Should you be
interested, please respond to my letter immediately,
so we can commence all arrangements and I will give
you more information on the project and how we would
handle it. Please treat this business with utmost

You can contact me on my private email:
(lilesongonline@yahoo.com.hk ) and send me the
following information for documentation purpose:

(1)Full names:
(2)private phone number:
(3)current residential address:
(5)Age and Sex:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,
Mr. Song Lile.