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From ???@??? Wed Feb 06 00:27:28 2008
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Received: by spark.plotinka.ru (Postfix, from userid 507)
	id 1F696337E; Wed,  6 Feb 2008 05:27:28 +0500 (YEKT)
To: robertbrn@plotinka.ru
Subject: Important Inquiry!!!
From: Brown 
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Date: Wed,  6 Feb 2008 05:27:28 +0500 (YEKT)
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus

SHELL Petroleum.
(Accounts department)
Shell House,
Ref: Los/9420x3/08
Batch: 033/07/LOS 369
Reply to: robertbrn@hotmail.com

I am Roberts Brown, an accountant with Shell Oil, we run the largest oil=
companies with over 1.2 trillion capital investments Fund. I handle all =
staffs welfare Accounts and we on the Account Dept. have extracted 1.2 % =
Excess Maximum Return Capital Profits (EMRCP) per-annum on each of the st=
aff=92s capital fund. As experts we have made over $ 22.4million from the=
staff=92s EMRCP and hereby looking for an external body or individual th=
at can be trusted to stand as an investor to receive this fund as Annual =
investment proceeds from Shell capital funds of 2007. All confirmable Doc=
uments to back up the claims will be made available to you for payment pr=
ior to your acceptance.

However, if you consider it necessary to work with us and will not term t=
his as a scam, then I wish to have your response immediately. We have up =
till end of February, 2008 to wrap up this venture before our team of aud=
itors will be arriving for the year general auditing. We have worked out =
the modalities or technicalities whereby the fund can be wired to you via=
Bank to Bank without any nervous tension.

Kindly declare your willingness in this matter as soon as you received th=
is mail, as your quick reply will be highly appreciated.

Roberts Brown.