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From ???@??? Thu Mar 06 01:29:34 2008
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Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:29:34 +0100
From: "Mr.Abdullah Al-Gassab" 
Reply-to: algassabwasabdullah4@gmail.com
To: abdullahalgassab@gmail.com
Subject: Greetings From Iraq
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Re:Building A Partnership Investment
My name is Mr.Abdullah Al-Gassab an Iraqi National based in Iraq.
I am now partially disabled as a result of a bomb blast that claimed
the lives
of my Father and other Members of my Family two years ago.
Just recently I received a letter/notice from a financial institution Abroad
notifying me about a certain deposit of Fifty two Million United states
dollars that my Father made with them before his death.
Now since I can not move to Europe or carry out any investment on my
own due to
my disability I am therefore seeking your assistance and cooperation in
clearing the funds and investing it in a blue chip investment in your countr=
I therefore urge you to send your Letter of intent without delay if you are
interested in being part of the transaction.
As soon as I receive your letter of Intent, we shall commence negotiation on
the mode of operation and your commission.
I will be waiting for your response via my direct email

Mr.Abdullah Al-Gassab