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From ???@??? Wed Jun 25 04:39:04 2008
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Date: 24 Jun 2008 20:39:04 -0700
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Reply-to: johnsonmorgan3@yahoo.com
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From: Johnson Morgan 
To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
Subject: GOOD NEWS
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You are invited to "GOOD NEWS".

By your host Johnson Morgan:

Dear Friend,
I did not hear from you since for your Confirmable check of $450.000 USD,
which my boss kept for you before he travel to Dubai, I went and deposited it with FEDEX,so contact them.

Contact Person: Dr.Jerry mike
Email: fedexprivate1@yahoo.com
I paid for the delivering Charges except their Security KeepingFee which they said no because they don't know when you will contact them in case of demurrage.

Johnson Morgan

Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008

Time: 1:00 am - 2:00 am (GMT +00:00)

Will you attend? RSVP to this invitation at:
