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From ???@??? Fri Jul 25 00:02:23 2008
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To: john@yahoo.com
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Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:02:23 +0800 (SGT)
Reply-To: markholdings_companyltd19@yahoo.com.hk
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus

Dear Sir/Madam

We are in search of a book-keeper/company
representatives in the United States,canada
and the UK.This project has been developed
in a way not to affect your present job nor
bring you any form of stress but in order
to help take care of those extra costs
while you work for us.

Mark Holdings,Ltd is a company thats deals
in the production and supplies of
Batik,Assorted African fabrics,various
clothing materials,Recently It came to my
knowledge that there are a lot of lapses in
handling funds coming from our clients in
the USA,Canada and UK which come in forms
of Cashiers checks,Company checks and Money
Orders which are not readily cashable
outside the United States,Canada and UK,So
we need someone in the US ,Canada and UK to
work as our representatives and assist us
in processing the payments from our various
clients which come in on weekly,monthly and
annual basis.

In order to process our payment from our
clients.All you need to do is receive these
payments from our clients in country,get it
deposited at your bank for 24hours,Cash it
after 24hours then deduct your percentage(
10% of each payment).

We require you to send the following

Your Fullname
Your Address
Your Phone number
Your Bank name
Your Age
Your Occupation

Warmest Regards,
Dave Morrison,
Managing director
Mark Holdings,Ltd