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From ???@??? Sun Nov 02 21:09:26 2008
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Message-ID: <5247.>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 03:09:26 +0600 (BDT)
Subject: HI,.............
From: "Sgt Kema Sly" 
Reply-To: kemasly@sify.com
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
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My name is Kema Sly. I,m in the US 3rd Infantry Division, here in Iraq
,I need your help in getting this money out. The money had been hidden
behind the false wall of a house searched by our( US) troops. It is
thought the stash could have been left by fleeing regime leaders. I was
among the soldiers that accompanied and counted the money and after the
we did not declare the total amount to the authority. You know the
funds are legal and it is oil money. This amount is US$35million,
we have kept it in two boxes and deposited
with a security firm in Europe pending when we get a reliable person that
could help us move it out to his or her country and put it into a profitable
investment so that by the time we are back from Iraq we will have
something to fall back on since we cannot do it ourselves for security
reasons.This money is in cash and we want to move it to you as soon as
possible. Mostly $100 dollar bill notes. Total of US$35 Million
dollars.You can read the news headlines on this Websites below:
So your share for helping is 30%, I am still in Iraq and I will be
discharged soon but we do not know when we would return back our
country. I dont want to take any chances of loosing this fund. This is
a legitimate transaction. If you are interested, I will provide you
further details and instructions as soon as I hear from you. The boxes
can be moved to your address through international financial experts with the
diplomat here or a direct transfer from any affiliate bank.
Can I trust you and will you help? Waiting for your urgent and positive
response.Please send your full contact details so that I can reply you
back ASAP.If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I
Look forward to hearing from you.via my private email address :
Yours Truly,
Kema Sly