Example 419 Email Fraud 1513

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From ???@??? Thu Dec 04 09:49:03 2008
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Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 01:49:03 -0800 (PST)
From: David Ede 
Reply-To: fedxceepress1@hotmail.fr
Subject: Attn My Dear Friend 
To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
X-Spam-Score: 5.1

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I have a new email address!You can now email me at: david.ede33@yahoo.com

- Attn My Dear Friend ,I have paid the fee for your cheque draft and i took it to the FINANCIAL BANK PLC to confirm it then the Manager of the Bank MR BENARD UGO told me that before the check can get to you it will expire on the way and if it expired it will become useless so He advice me to convert $3.700.000.00 USD (ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) into cash and pack it into the strong iron box anddeposit it in FEDEX EXPRESS DELIVERY COMPANY BENIN REPUBLIC to deliver it in cash to you.and i did it as he advice me because he is a banker he knows the durability of any foriegn check or draft. deposited the said package in the FedEX EXpress Delivey Company as an cotton materials for I secuirty reasons. This is the registration Number of your Package Fed/122p/mtm/2007 Zip Code;0113388 so do not let the company to know the real contents of the package so that they can deliver it for you safely. I want you to contact the company immediately with the following informations though i give them your information but you need to reconfirm it for them.Below is the required infomation you need to give them now, 1.YOUR FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS 2.YOUR PHONE AND FAX NUMBER 3.A COPY OF YOUR PHOTO4.YOUR AGE AND MARITAL STATUS All these things is needed from you now to submmit to the company for urgent delivery of yourpackage contains $3.700.000.00 USD Please contact the delivery company immediately and reconfirm your info to them to enable their agent locate you when he arrived in your country.This is the company contact info. Email;fedxceepress1@hotmail.frDR. DAVID TANKO Director General FEDEX EXpress Delivery Company Benin Please contact the company immediately you receive this email so that your package will leave tonight to be deliver to you.Get back to me as soon as you receive your package from the company. God Bless you. David Ede "

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at: david.ede33@yahoo.com

- Attn My Dear Friend ,I have paid the fee for your cheque draft and i took it to the FINANCIAL BANK PLC to confirm it then the Manager of the Bank MR BENARD UGO told me that before the check can get to you it will expire on the way and if it expired it will become useless so He advice me to convert $3.700.000.00 USD (ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS) into cash and pack it into the strong iron box anddeposit it in FEDEX EXPRESS DELIVERY COMPANY BENIN REPUBLIC to deliver it in cash to you.and i did it as he advice me because he is a banker he knows the durability of any foriegn check or draft. deposited the said package in the FedEX EXpress Delivey Company as an cotton materials for I secuirty reasons. This is the registration Number of your Package Fed/122p/mtm/2007 Zip Code;0113388 so do not let the company to know the real contents of the package so that they can deliver it for you safely. I want you to contact the company immediately with the following informations though i give them your information but you need to reconfirm it for them.Below is the required infomation you need to give them now, 1.YOUR FULL NAME AND HOME ADDRESS 2.YOUR PHONE AND FAX NUMBER 3.A COPY OF YOUR PHOTO4.YOUR AGE AND MARITAL STATUS All these things is needed from you now to submmit to the company for urgent delivery of yourpackage contains $3.700.000.00 USD Please contact the delivery company immediately and reconfirm your info to them to enable their agent locate you when he arrived in your country.This is the company contact info. Email;fedxceepress1@hotmail.frDR. DAVID TANKO Director General FEDEX EXpress Delivery Company Benin Please contact the company immediately you receive this email so that your package will leave tonight to be deliver to you.Get back to me as soon as you receive your package from the company. God Bless you. David Ede "
