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From ???@??? Sat Jan 10 10:11:32 2009
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Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 06:11:32 -0400 (AMT)
Subject: Good Day
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
X-Spam-Score: 4.8

Good Day ,I am Senator Tawar Wada, Ex- Chairman of Committee on Niger
Delta in the National Assembly,now Chairman Committee on Agriculture of
the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I write to Solicit for your assistance i=
helping to assist and thereafter transfer $ 13,000,000.00 million USD
into your account for safe keeping/investment.
My website : http://www.nassnig.org/senate/members.php?page=7
My diret number : +234-80-7-3918120