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From ???@??? Mon Apr 06 13:38:52 2009
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Subject: ZHELLO....................SIR..................FROM....................Emeka Okafor.....................HELLOZ
From: Emeka Okafor 
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Barrister.Emeka Okafor. =0D
Lawyer To Miss.Ruth Reed; =0D
I am Barrister. Emeka Okafor,lawyer to Miss.Ruth Reed 19 years old and th=
e only daughter of late parents Mr.and Mrs.jerimaih Reed.her father was a=
highly reputable busnness magnet-(a cocoa merchant) who operated in the =
capital of Nigeria during his days.It is sad to say that he passed away m=
ysteriously in new yourk during one of his business trips abroad year 12t=
h.april 2007.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to ha=
ve been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that ti=
me. But God knows the truth! her mother died when I was just 14 years old=
, and since then the father took her so special. Before his death on apri=
l 12 2007 he told ruth that he has the sum of seventeen.five millon dolla=
r (USD$17.5 000 000) left in a security company in a mettalic trunk box, =
but the security company didn't know the content because it was registere=
d as family valuables for security r easons. He also hand over the docume=
nts to ruth.She just 19 years old and a s=0D
chool satt holder and really don't know wha!t to do. Now came to me for a=
dvice, I want you to assist me clear the consignment from the custody of =
the security comapany. This is because She have suffered a lot of set bac=
ks as a result of incessant political crisis here in Nigeria. The death o=
f the father actually brought sorrow to her life.I am in a sincere desire=
of your humble assistance in this regards.Now permit me to ask these few=
questions:- 1. Can you honestly help me as? 2. Can I completely trust yo=
u? 3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for yo=
u? Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you=
so much. =0D
My sincere regards,=0D
Barrister.Emeka Okafor. =0D
Lawyer To Miss.Ruth Reed=0D
Free to call me; +234-8027925442=0D