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From ???@??? Fri Oct 30 15:48:16 2009
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Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:48:16 -0500
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To: Email_addr20220@Domain.net
Subject: EmploymentCrossing can change your life!
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: EmploymentCrossing.com
X-Mailer-Draft-ID: 6300172
From: Harrison Barnes
X-Virtual-Info: Y3JheWZhcTAyMjBAc3Bpa3lub3JtYW4ubmV0LUw0NDIxMDQ5LUQ2MzAwMTcyLUM2My1EQVRFMjAwOS0xMC0zMCAxMDo0ODoxNg==
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X-Antivirus-Scanner-Outbound: Clean mail though you should still use an Antivirus
X-Spam-Score: 3.7


I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about something that c=
an be extremely beneficial to your career. You are literally one of the fi=
rst people I am writing to, and I really think you're going to like what I =
have to say. I am the founder and CEO of EmploymentScape, a corporation ba=
sed in Pasadena, CA. I have hundreds of employees and run several successf=
ul companies. At last count, I had 15 offices across the United States.

I want to tell you about a service that can help you change your life=
. It is that good!

Back in 2001, when, after 9/11, tons of Internet companies went out o=
f business, attorneys all over the United States got laid off. I was worki=
ng then as a legal recruiter, and I can tell you that finding jobs took a l=
ot of effort and a lot of money. So, I started a company that monitors the=
hiring needs of every single law firm and corporation in the United States=
by manually (and using spiders) visiting every single website that is a so=
urce of legal employment listings and then posting the jobs we find on our =
own site -- at no charge to employers.

Once this site (LawCrossing.com) got started, it grew very quickly, a=
nd now the world is very different for attorneys looking for new positions.=
LawCrossing was ranked 72nd on the 2007 Inc. 500 list of the fastest grow=
ing companies in the US, and at present, there are more than 80,000 legal j=
obs on the site. Soon I started EmploymentCrossing<
/a>, built along the same lines as LawCrossing, and presently I have more t=
han 100-plus profession-specific sites under the EmploymentCrossing umbrell=

EmploymentCrossing is a revolutionary i
nnovation that far surpasses every other job-search tool on the Internet. =
Let me tell you what makes this site so special:

  1. EmploymentCrossing has the largest co
    llection of jobs -- 1,566,531 -- and offers a 7-day free trial to new membe=

  2. We monitor about 250,000 employer websites, job boards, newspape=
    rs, and publications -- in short, every possible resource -- to find virtua=
    lly all the jobs available out there for you. The database technology to s=
    upport these efforts costs more than $5 million alone.

  3. The difference between EmploymentCrossi
    and Monster.com, for example, is that EmploymentCrossing has nearly =
    every single job out there -- not just the ones that employers are paying $=
    350 to Monster to advertise.

  4. Another benefit of tCrossing, employers will most likely think that you saw their open pos=
    itions on their websites, and this will make them think that you are very i=
    nterested in them specifically, which will make them much more receptive to=

I have tons of money invested in orman.net&compid=63&tp=E" target="_blank">visit EmploymentCrossing to
, and I sincerely hope you will tell others once you have visited th=
e site and seen what it can do for you. I'm excited for you and wish you a=
ll the best.

="32" border="0" align="right" style="margin:0px 40px 0px 10px;"> a>
To your success,

Harrison Barnes

CEO, EmploymentCrossing

PS: In this
short video, I explain how Emp
loymentCrossing works for you to help you get that perfect job.

PPS: target="_blank">Click here to compare EmploymentCrossing benefits wi
th other job sites.